Chapter 2

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"Attack!" Thunderstar yowled.

The cats burst into battle, Shadestar and Greystorm leading. MoorClan and MountainClan scents mixed as the battle for more territory began.

Gorsekit, now known as Gorsepaw through herself into battle. All around her, she saw the deaths of new cats. Most of them were from greencough, which Gorsepaw felt a rush of pride when she thought about how these proud MountainClan cats would soon meet their match.

One day about three moons earlier, Doepaw had been found dead on the MountainClan border, her paws stained red with the juice of deathberries. The foolish she-cat had me a deadly mistake by eating a few of the tasty-looking berries. Gorsepaw had been frightened at first; one of her predictions had come true! But for the other cats she saw dying that meant...

A heavy tabby tom clubbed Gorsepaw on the head, making her vision fuzz. When her vision cleared, the tabby was being ripped apart by a fox. Gorsepaw was beginning to get used to her visions, they taught her many things since the day she had opened her eyes.

Feeling a spurt of energy, Gorsepaw hissed and clawed his face.

To Gorsepaw's dismay, Blackpaw had been apprenticed to Shadestar while she had been apprenticed to . Her brother had become a proud and smug cat, and instead of scolding him, Morningpelt was encouraging him! Finchclaw usually ignored her, but sometimes would defend his daughter from Blackpaw's boasting.

Out of the corner of her eye, Gorsepaw saw Finchclaw fighting with a big tom. The MoorClan apprentice gasped, That's the same tom I saw in my vison!

But that means...Gorsepaw watched as the tom sank his claws into Finchclaw's throat. The ginger and white warrior howled as blood spurted from his neck.

He was dead before he hit the ground.

Gorsepaw shrieked, "No!" Heart pounding, she ran over to her dead father. His bright amber eyes were already glassy as he stared up sightlessly. I...I could have stopped his death from happening! I knew this was going to happen and I did nothing. A horrible, heavy feeling came over her. This is my fault.

Thunderstar leaped on top of a boulder. His voice echoed over the moor, "MountainClan cats! Retreat!"

The wounded MoorClan cats hissed taunts at the defeated MountainClan cats. The two new warrors, Whiteface and Flashclaw yowled these cries of victory with much more power, for this was their first battle as warriors.

"What did you do?" Morningpelt's sharp wail caught Gorsepaw off guard. Fear stabbing at her, Gorsepaw turned and saw her mother, with Blackpaw of course at her side.

Gorsepaw tried to defend herself. "He... MountainClan cat... I saw-"

She cringed at Morningpelt's fury glowing eyes. The ginger she-cat's snarl was filled with accusion. "Oh you saw it happen! You let your own father die!"

"No I didn't!" Gorsepaw stammered, taking a step back. Is my own mother saying that I'm the reason Finchclaw is dead?

Blackpaw hissed and lashed out at her with a paw, striking Gorsepaw across the face. "You're nothing but a coward!"

A crowd of cats had gathered now, they watched in shock as Gorsepaw's cheek bled into the trampled grass.

Morningpelt looked over at Finchclaw's body and wailed. "Oh my precious mate!" Blackpaw cast Gorsepaw a dirty look before padding off to find Shadestar.

The crowd gradually disappearated, evetually only Hawkpaw was left. The dark brown tabby padded over to Gorsepaw and sighed. "That wasn't you fault and you know it, come on, let's get you to Pebblelake."

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