Desi the Squirrel

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  • Dedicated to Desi

Desi the Squirrel is a squirrel that lives in a tree. She has big, puffy cheeks and a squishy nose. Her diet consists of acorns, pudding, Doodle Hops and popcorn. One day she decided to drive her Squirrel-Mobile around before dinner. She hopped in, turned up the radio, and drove off.

        She passed her sister’s tree and passed her favorite restaurant to the beach. She was driving near the water, enjoying the view, when suddenly; a huge owl swooped out of the sky and grabbed her.

        The owl flew for miles before getting tired and dropping her. Desi landed in a whale’s blowhole, which she was stuck in for five days. On the last day, the whale dove deep under the water and she was dislodged. Desi floated through the ocean for a few hours beforemeeting Larry the Narwhal. Desi climbed onto Larry’s tusk and when hegot closed to an iceberg she climbed to the cold land. It took two days for that iceberg to get back to the main land. When it did, Desihad to walk all the way back to her tree.

        She finally got back to her home to see that her popcorn flavored pudding was finally done and ready to eat. When she finished the whole bowl she ate the Acorn Doodle Pops she made before she left.

        She climbed into bed, exhausted. ‘What a perfectly normal week.’ Desi thought to herself as she drifted off to a deep sleep.

        The next morning she woke up and went down to her favorite restaurant for breakfast. There she saw a handsome squirrel and decided to introduce herself.

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