Chapter 7 (part two)

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A/N I had to do a second part to chapter seven, just because Chapter eight would have gone differently than planned. Also, thank you Kcalnh for commenting and voting on basically every chapter. Means A TON! 

I give you, Chapter 7 (part two)


That word, that single word held so much power, so much emotion. This word could do so much damage or so much good. That word could save lives, or destory them. That word could break anything, even the people around you.

"What?" Eli's tone was harsh and clipped. His arms around me tightned and i felt my body begin to ache from the pressure. 

"No." My voice was even more strained than before. I tried to pry his arms from my body but his grip was iron.  I turned to face him and I let out a small gasp. The moonlight that had shone through the  windown fell on his face. The gray eyes that once greeted me were now replaced by dark, swirling crimson ones. 

"You will never deny me again." Eli's voice was cold and unforgiving. I turned away from him, denying the blooming hurt inside my chest. The arms that held me instantly slacked and pulled away. I felt Eli slide out of the bed and his soft footfalls against the hard floor.


I flinched from the slammed door and slowly sat up in the soft bed. I leaned against the headboard and let out a small sigh. My world had become caos, scratch that, it had become sickening. Fairytales seemed to become reality and my own life seemed to be a storybook line. It was becoming absolute turmoil. Hell, even my nightmares seemed more real than my life at the moment. Maybe my life is my worst nightmare..


I looked up at the large door, afraid to open it. I didn't want to see Eli again. The anger I had just seen within his eyes would be forever printed onto my brain. I let out another sigh and silently slipped from the constricting bed. The floor felt cool against my flushed skin as I walked through the room. 


My hand now rested on the doorhandle and I felt anxious to see the face on the other side. It was now or never. I closed my eyes and it open.

A/N:Sorry to end it like this, otherwise this chapter would have been wayyyyyyyyy longer than I would ever want. Chapter 8 is almost finished too! I know, I actually have something prepared! Update later this week or possibly weekend! 

Comment, Vote, Fan, feedback is appreciated! Thanks for reading this farrr!

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