Chapter 6 •What?•

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"I'll be right there!" I yell as I put on my Nike shorts. I run downstairs so I don't keep whoever's at the door waiting. I unlock my door and open it before even checking who it is. "What are you doing here?" I ask coldly to the blue eyed boy displayed at my doorstep.
"Just let me in." He scoffs.
"And why the hell would I do that?" I ask cocking my head.
"Just let me in Rena." He snaps and I roll my eyes and open my door wider so he can come in. He stops and stares at my living room. "It hasn't changed at all." He says looking at every detail.
"Yeah I know." I say as I sit down on my couch. "Seriously why are you here?" I ask as he sits on the couch next to me, leaving a cushion between us.
"Aw babe you don't want me here?" He asks in a mocking tone.
"No actually I don't. Now tell me why you're here before I kick you out." I say getting annoyed.
"Geez calm down Champion. I'm here to say sorry for what I said earlier." He says and I roll my eyes.
"Is that really why you're here? Or do you actually want to try to get in my pants?" I say scoffing.
"Shut the hell up Champion! God I come all of this way to apologize and you don't even say thank you!" He yells.
"Because Luke I know that apology doesn't mean anything to you! So why the hell would I say thank you!" I yell back.
"God you haven't changed since middle school!" He scoffs before getting off of the couch.
"I'm glad at least one of us didn't!" I say and he turns and faces me.
"I haven't changed either babe." He says with a smirk on his face.
"Oh really. How so?" I ask dryly laughing.
"I still think you're beautiful." He says and I scoff again.
"Then why did you leave, and pretended I wasn't there?" I ask still mad.
"Why do you always ask that Rena?" He says raising his voice.
"Because I want to know what I did to make you push me away Luke!" I say and he sits back down on the couch.
"What you did was make me love you okay! There are you happy now? The secrets out! I loved you and I was scared, so I thought if I pretended you weren't there my feelings would disappear. But they didn't!" He yells back and I'm in too much shock to even say anything. We are silent for a few more minutes before Luke breaks it again. "Well say something Rena." He says and I just look at him.
"You need to leave. I have to think about all of what you just said. Go." I say and I can tell that's not how he expected me to react.
"Fine." He says as he walks himself to the door and walks out. I stay exactly where I was when he was here. He loves me? No. He can't. This is all a sick joke he's trying to play on me. How could he love me? Why would he love me? Too many things are flooding in my head. I need to clear my head.

I put on my shoes and grab some headphones and walk outside. There is only one thing that can help me clear out my head, and that's running. I lock the door behind me and start to play music.

They're gonna clean up your looks
With all the lies in the books
To make a citizen out of you
Because they sleep with a gun
And keep an eye on you, son
So they can watch all the things you do

Because the drugs never work
They're gonna give you a smirk
'Cause they got methods of keeping you clean

I sing to myself as I pick up my pace.

After about 30 minutes of running my head is clear again, so I make my way home.
"Why are you out so late?" Someone from behind me asks. I turn around and see a pink haired boy greet me with a crooked smile.
"I was running." I say in a duh tone.
"A lot on your mind?" He asks.
"Yeah do you run when you have to clear your mind?" I ask raising my eyebrows.
"Oh fuck no. I can just tell somethings bothering you." He says making me laugh.
"Ah." I say still laughing.
"Do you want to talk about it?" He asks sitting down on the curb.
"Uh sure." I say shrugging my shoulders and sitting down next to him.
"Spill." He says and I laugh a little.
"Well after the football game, me and Luke got into a fight. Shocker right? But it was bad and I started crying and yeah. Then Luke shows up at my house. And we fought again, then one thin lead to the other and he confessed that he loved me." I say and Michael chokes.
"Wait what? So he actually admitted it to you?" He asks getting happy. I nod. "What'd you say?" He asks and I take a deep breathe.
"I told him to leave so I could clear my head." I say and he exhales.
"Ah so why did it bother you so much that he loved, and or still loves you?" He asks and I take a deep breathe. Why was it bothering me so much? It can't mean. No please god no.
"Because I," I start. "I love him too." I say and I feel as if a 500 pound man got off my chest. Michael gasps again.
"Really?!" He screeches.
"Yes Michael! Now shut up! Do not tell anyone! You're the only one that knows. I'm going to tell Rachel, but you do not tell Luke! Got it?" I say grabbing his jacket.
"Got it kitten." He says winking.

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