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Hour later....

We're finally home.

Well, hotel suite.

I told Holly about that thing with Wilmer so she got a suite by like legit Ellen's studio.

"Stella, honey. Wake up."

"What Demi?" She whispered. Well she's back to her old self right?

"We're here. Get up." I told while the limo driver stopped and opened us the door. We both thanked him and went to the house door.


"Yeah Stell?"

"Did I black out or something earlier?"

"Why would you say that?"

"Because I felt that I shut down and like was just out of myself."

"Well, um you did sweetie."

"Did I, say something while I uh you know blacked-out."

"N-no?" Ugh crap.


"Fine. You did say something."

"So tell me what I said then chick."

"Uh, not now babe. We'll talk about this later.

"No, I wanna know."

"Stella please. Not now."

"Don't expect me to even go with you to Ellen tomorrow." She walked away.

Wait! Crap! I forgot about Ellen. Well, um I have a few hours till I have to be on set. And I have to check in with Holly.

Demi- Holllzzzzzz!!! I just got to LA. See you tomorrow at Ellen.

Holly- Demzzzzzz!! I set you up with an interview at a radio station tonight. Think you can pass by?

Demi- I don't know. Something came up with Stell. I have to stay. Idk, what time would it be at?

Holly- Um, two-three hours?

Demi- I'll text you an hour before to see if I'll go.

Holly- Promise me that you will.

Demi- Yessssss Hollz.

I out my phone down and went towards my room.

Later in the day,


"Alright Lovatics. I got you guys a very special person tonight. Give it up for Demi Lovato!" The radio host had said.

"Hey guys!" I exclaimed.

"So, how's everything Demi?"

"Well David, everything's fine. Everything is where it has to be."

"Good wording. So, how's the music business going?"

"I may or may not be writing a new song, or album at the moment." I said with a smirk.

"Wow! Can't wait for it to come out. Well, that's it for now. Thank you so much Demi."

"Thank you for having me here David. Night my little lovatics. Kisses."

"And we're off." Another guy had said.

"Thank you so much Demi." David had said while he gave me a hug.

"No problem David. Thank you for having me." I said while leaving. I left the building, got into the car and started driving back to my hotel.

A good 15 minutes later

"Darling, I'm home." I said while I closed the suite door.

"So, are you grounded? What did your mom say?" I over heard Stella say.

"I'm sorry though."

"Chick, but I ju-"

"Fine. Bye." She turned around and saw me.

"Oh. Hey Demi." She said, smiling.

"Was that Arly?"

"Yeah. Her mom just got her, but she's pissed at me and basically doesn't want me to call her for now."

"Awe. Darling." I said when I gave her a hug.

"Can we go to sleep?" She asked. Obviously she was tired because she had an argument with her friend, and because well she's tired.

"Why not baby. I'm gonna go take a quick shower and I'll be in bed with you in 20. Okay." I said while I head towards the bathroom. I didn't hear her say anything but a door opening and then being closed. Being obvious our room. I took off my clothes, my makeup and went inside the shower. I washed my hair, my face, and everywhere else. I finished up with the help of Devonne By Demi and got my towel. Then left the bathroom to my room. The TV was on with the now sleeping Stella on my bed. I put my hair up, put on a shirt, my panties, deodorant, and my PJ pants and went unto the bed.

"Demi?" Stella and her sleep groggy voice said.

"Yes Stella?"

"Can I live with you?"

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