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Why does this always happen to me?

Like, now probably my grandma hates me. Well, no. Everyone hates me. Demi does because she left me. Grandma because she left me with this chick. So, Yeah pretty much. My life is now in hands of the lady who left me in the first place. Wipee! (Note my sarcasm.) Now, we're just leaving the airport. So, now we're on our way to her house, the miserable house of LA!



"First. Don't give me attitude. Second, you'll love my house in LA. So, don't get pissed. It's not my fault that-"

"That what? That I had to be here. Or was it that I just had to be your baby."

"No. It's not that. It's, I just can't put it in terms."


"Are you hungry?"


"You sure?"

"Why wouldn't I be?"

"Okay then."

She turned to McDonalds and got some food. From that, we got again to the highway and onto the airport.

30 minutes later

Well, we're here. Demi is literally holding my hand! Like, I'm not 4!

"Stop Stella! Come on."

"Stop holding my fucking hand then. I'm not 3!"

"Well, you're acting like one now."

"Well, then I wouldn't need to if you let go!"

"No! You're gonna runaway and leave again!"

"Oh My Gosh! Demetria! Let go of my fucking hand!"

She took around and made me look her dead in the eye.

"I. Don't. Care. What you fucking say. You're stuck with me no matter what. Stop babing around and walk."

Wow! Dang child! Now, I know where I get my side if attitude from.

"And don't call me Demetria again. Got it?"

"Whatever. Demetria."

I just love the way her face gets when I say her name. She like her face gets so, what am I saying? I hate the chick!

Let's just see where this goes.


Why can't Stella be still? I just have to hold her hand because I'm scared She's gonna run away, again.

"Let me go! I want gwandma! Where my gwadma!" She screamed. Wait, What? She knows that we left already. Right?

"Stella? Are you okay?"

"Who are you. Where's gwandma?"

"Uh, Stell. Talk right." I said while bringing her to the bathroom.

"I want my gwandma! Gwandma! GWANDMA!" She began to yell.

"Uh, want me to call her?" I don't want I'm doing, But, mom knows best.


I dialed the number and went through quick.


"Uh, mom, why is Stella acting like She's 3?"

"I'm 3 and a walf." She said.

"Fuck! I forgot to tell you." Mom began.

"What do you mean mom?"

"She's gets headspace when she's really stressed out. Just pass her the phone."

"Here Stella. Grandma wants to talk to you."




"Hi baby. See that tall lady right there?"

"Uh ha. But she's not tall, she's tiny. Like me!" Gwandma laughed.

"Remember when I said mommy's coming?"


"That's your mommy."

"I don't like my mommy."

"Well, mommy is taking you home. She wants to play with you. Okay baby. Mommy said she'll get you a lot of things!"

"Okay Gwandma. Wanna talk to the lady?"

"Yeah. That's your mommy remember. I love you. Bye Stella."

"Bye Gwandma. I wove you."

I gave the tall lady the phone. Is she really my mommy?


"I don't like my mommy."

"Okay Gwandma. Wanna talk to the lady?"

"Bye Gwandma. I wove you."

She handed me the phone.

"What the heck just happen mom?" I was confused. Why did she act like this? How did she act like this? Why didn't she call me Demi? And lady? I thought she knew who I was?

"I forgot to tell you. Like I said earlier, she gets headspace when she's really stressed. What are you guys doing anyways?"

"I'm holding her hand because I don't want her to run away from me again."

"Okay. Just go get something to eat. She'll be off of it in a few. I gotta go. Love you both. Be safe."

"Okay mom. We love you too."

She hanged off the phone and saw Stella wanting to fall asleep. The way her face goes is sooo cute!


"You want me to carry you?"

She nodded So I did what I was told. I carried her and she was off as a light. We went through security and Went inside the private plane Max ordered. We went inside, trying to avoid Paps, and sat down. I lowered the chair, So it can be like a bed and left her there. Mom said to get her something to eat. Idk what? I guess I gotta text Dallas since she knows best about my daughter.

Da- Dallas De- Demi

De- Dallas?

Da- Hey. What's up?

De- Since like Stell is in her headspace, what do should I give her?

Da- She likes anything chocolate when she's in it. Get her like a Hershey or something.

De- Got it. Thx Dal.

Da- No probs Dems. Love you all! Be safe.

De- Us too. Bye.

I got up and went to the little thing they have of food in the plane. I got her some Hershey bars and a Yahoo, while I got myself a Ginger ale and a bag of chips. I Went back and started to fall asleep.

Let this be a note to self. This is gonna be hard.

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