Fish Fingers and Custard!?

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As you walked out, you called The Doctor. "Doctor?" You called out as he finished the last thing with his screwdriver. He poked his head up and replied. "Yes (y/n)?" He asked as your face flustered swiftly. "I-I have a surprise to show y-y-you..!" You said studdering like a mad man. He came close to you and you grew very shy as to how close he was. "Lead the way." He said smiling. You nodded and the two of you walked into the kitchen. You smiled as you showed him the sweet treat. When his gaze met the display, he blushed a tiny bit and looked confused. "I m-made this for you, Doctor. Today is National Fish Fingers and Custard Day and I t-t-thought it would be a good idea to surprise you!" You said towards him. His smile widened and he hugged you tightly. "Thank you so much (y/n)-Chan! I love how much effort and time you put into this!" The Doctor said. "I had a little help from Amy.." you said shyly as The Doctor's eyes were staring at you. Amy poked her head in and said, "This was her idea though, I dont need credit, it was all her." She said and quickly left. You blushed and gestured to The Doctor to go ahead and enjoy the meal. As you were about to leave the man to let him eat, he wrapped his arms around you and pulled you to him wanting you to stay with him. You blushed a crimson color as he did so. "Sooo cute and innocent" The Doctor thought. He pulled a chair next to his and set you down next to him in the chair. You looked at him and saw his smile. He watched you closely to see a reaction but all you did was blush. "(Y/n), since you made this delectable treat, I want you to try it!" The Doctor said with a glinty smile. "Oh no no no, i made this for you!" You said to him. "Do o have to feed you?" The Doctor said with a sly smirk. You blushed red. "I have never tried this...but no, it is for him not me, I made it for him!" You thought to yourself. He dipped the a fish finger into the Custard and looked at you. "Suit yourself, I am going to feed you." The Doctor said sticking the fish finger covered in custard in front of your face waiting for you to take a bite. You see the sparkle in his eyes so you sighed and took a bite blushing the bright crimson. You chewed it up and swallowed it and smiled. "It wasn't bad!" You said smiling sweetly towards The Doctor. He smiled and ate some of the fingers and custard then, after you two shared the delectable treat, The Doctot slurped up the rest of the custard which left a custardstache on The Doctor which made you laugh. The Doctor chuckled wiping the custard away with a napkin. He drunk the tea after. It was a fun day after all!

(Extended ending)

As you too had gotten ready to sleep, you curled up in your bed to sleep until you got cold. You shivered wrapping yourself trying to stay warm. As The Doctor passed by your room, he saw your shivering shadow in the darkness of your room. He looked at you sadly from outside your room. He slowly creaked the door open as he called to you. "(Y/n)? Are you cold?" He asked concerned. You tossed over and nodded as you shivered. He walked into your room and crawled in your bed facing you. "Do you mind if I keep you warm for the night? After all, you made the best treat in the world for me and I wanna return the favor." He said staring into your eyes. You blushed a bit and shivered. "You may stay..Besides I am really cold.." The Doctor smiled as he wrapped his arms around you closely. You cuddled into him and his warmth made you fall asleep fast and soundly. He smiled and blushed at the sight of your sleeping figure and soon fell asleep after.

~The Next morning~

Amy and Rory were awake as you and The Doctor were sound asleep. Amy was walking past and saw the two of you cuddling together sound asleep. She went to get Rory and she smiled. "Aren't they cute?" Amy whispered to Rory. Rory nodded. "But what does she like about that control freak anyways?" He whispered back to his loving wife. She shrugged. "But they are super cute. Just look how happy he has been since (Y/n) has been around." She whispered. Rory nodded and smiled.

The End

Eleventh Doctor X Reader: Fish Fingers and CustardWhere stories live. Discover now