Chapter Two

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Jackson's POV:
Those eyes. I KNOW those eyes. I used to get mesmerized by them. Ever since we kissed, it's like they were forever branded into my brain.
As soon as I saw Alice Henderson, I just KNEW I had to find out the truth. I take a deep breath and knock. She opens the door and I immediately look into those eyes and get nervous.
"Hi, um, I'm-" I stutter but she cuts me off.
"Prince Jackson Colt of Parrington, yes sir," she says with a polite curtsy. "Please come in."
I thank her and enter the house slowly while she closes the door.
"Where is your family?" I ask taking in the interior an wondering if she lives all by herself.
"At the same place I'd thought you would be, sir," she says suspiciously, almost confused.
"Why aren't you with them?" I ask curiously as I finally turn to face her. Bad mistake. She looks so much like Julia. I just want to grab her and kiss her senseless.
"Not to be rude, but what is with the interrogation, sir," she says narrowing her eyes and bringing me back to my reason for coming here.
"Oh, pardon me," I say nervously. "Well, what I need to know see, I have been thinking about you all day and I couldn't help but recognize you. Do I know you from anywhere?"
She gives me a questioning look before replying,"Not that I know of, sir. I don't understand why this is at all important."
"Well, where were you four years ago?" I ask quietly. I will probably end up regretting this.
"I don't remember," she says. "I had a bad accident at fourteen and can't remember anything before then."
My eyes light up. She might be the one!
"What is your name?" I ask even though I know the answer. I just don't want to seem like a stalker.
"Alice Reagan Henderson," she says confidently.
"Well, are you sure?" I say awkwardly scratching the back of my neck.
"I'm pretty sure I know my name," she replies with an eye roll. Even her personality is just like Julia's! It has to be her.
"Well have you ever heard of Princess Julia Grace Kerrington of Hanova?" I say.
"Who hasn't? She is a legend. Her mysterious death was so sad," she says with a wondering look in her eyes.
I take in a deep breath then surprise myself with my next words.
"What if I told you that she didn't die?" Gosh, I'm so stupid! That is classified information for a reason. Stupid, stupid, stupid!
"Well, I wouldn't believe you," she says after she gasps.
"It's true. She ran away when her parents were murdered and was the cause of the taking of the throne by King Jerry Newton, her uncle. I know this much because I was the last person to see her before her disappearance. Being her best friend, I would know her anywhere and your mysterious past might just somehow add up and I think you are the princess." Why can't I shut my big mouth?!
I watch her as my words sink in and she stands there, starstruck. She is probably trying to deny it to herself.
"There must be some mistake. I am not the princess. I am not elegant or beautiful or regal like she was-"
"I am prepared to make you an offer," I say cutting off her rambling. "I am so convinced I am right that I am offering to let you stay at the palace for a month and see if the memories come back. If there is nothing then you will be left alone. No one will know about this so there will be no press drama. You will be well taken care of and have a good life and if you don't remember no one is hurt."
Except me, I think dejectedly. What if she really isn't the princess? My heart will break all over again. I will lose hope. She probably won't even-
"Okay," she says cutting off my thoughts. My eyes bulge as I process her answer. Did she just say yes?
Okay, so if anyone is confused by the story line please let me know. Please give me comments for grammatical errors and such or suggestions and even compliments. Tell me what you think about the different points of view, which will be a regular thing, by the way. Next chapter is Alice and developing her character more and meeting new characters. You can also make predictions. Who is this king? Is he good? Is he bad? Will Alice be the princess? Are she and Jackson going to be together if she isn't? I want to hear your thoughts. I want my stories to be interactive so I can appeal to the reader while still staying true to my story and myself. So let me know! Comment, vote, add, read, message me! Just help me make this story amazing. Let's do it together.

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