You're Mine 2

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Previously in You're Mine:

"So where were you on the night of the eleventh?"

"I was at a bar."

"The bar where the box was thrown?"

"Yes.." I reply faintly. Everytime I think about this chills flow through my spine.
"I was just standing there and a man drove past and threw the box on the ground."

"How do you know that it's a man?"

Sighing heavily, I reply, "I assumed."

"Well.." He leans closer to me and lowers his voice. "Right now the evidence is pointing to you, and the other men say you were involved."

My mouth falls open in shock as he continues. "I'd think it's best if you just admitted the truth right now."

"I am.." I groan in frustration. "I'm telling the truth."

"Well, right now, we have the beer stained footsteps leading to your home. The beer bottle contains your fingerprints, proving that you were there, as well as a stick that we found on the scene. We know you peeked into the box. Was it just curiosity or were you ensuring that they really did what you wanted them to do?"

"Why would I want them to do that??!" I ask in exasperation.

"Well the victim claimed that they had issues with you previously."

"What??! Who is that?" I leaned forward and he tapped his fingers on the desk and stroked his chin as he analyzed me.

"The person is troubled at the moment and they begged us not to release their name."

"But I wasn't involved!" I throw my hands in the air and he holds his hands out, telling me to calm down.

"Well, right now..." I lose focus on the remainder of his sentence as a sharp pain radiates through my abdomen.

"Are you okay?" The pain disappears as quickly as appears and I nod.

"I'm fine."

"As I was saying-"

"Wait!" I interrupt him and he raises an eyebrow in question. "A part of this doesn't add up.. I mean, if I was really involved, I would have known who the victim was."

He nods for half a second before he says, "Or you could lie..."

"I have no reason to l-ahhhhhh!!!!" My face contorts in pain and I bend immediately, grabbing my abdomen.

He rushes to my side immediately and rests his hand on my back. "Ahhoooowwwweew!!!" I groan again. My stomach contracts and I feel like I'm about to throw up.

Fagan runs to the door and calls someone. I can barely pay attention as pain consumes me. This feels worst than period cramps right now.

Tears flow down my face and a lady appears. "Are you okay Ms. Lane?"

Obviously I'm not!

"Noooo..." I mumble weakly, tears falling down my face as blood starts to trail down my leg.

"Get her to the hospital now!!!"

They haul me unto a bed and I black out.

You're Mine 2: Fighting Between Two Loves [FINISHED]Where stories live. Discover now