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Back in the cabin.

They we're so confuse by what happen

The fuck was happen to them? Why do they get out of the cabin it is dangerous out there! -Chris
Uhmm......we pranked her. -Matt
It was just a prank dude! She take it seriously -Josh
(High pitch voice, angry) Son of a bitch! If anything happen to my brother and sister you will all pay for this!! Bitch!!!! -Ash
I'll find them, iam familiar with this mountain for almost 6 years. I will find them. -Dr.Hill

They've all look to Dr.Hill

What! Seriously? You can't do it yourself! You need our help Doc, it is very very dangerous outside! -Chris
I'll team up with doctor Hill. Hey doc, come on let's do this -Chris
You sure about this, man? -Josh
Yeah mam, we're gonna find your brother and sister. I promise that Ash. -Chris

Ashley hugs Chris.

Hey Chris, enough for this we're getting late it's getting crazy out there the storm is coming. -Dr.Hill

Chris and Dr.Hill leave the cabin and follow a trail of footsteps.


Hey dude, you say you were familiar with this mountain for 6 years. Can you tell me something about this mountain? -Chris
So, this mountain is so big with thousand of hidden caves here, this mountain was once named 'The Big One'. And then, there's a myth, a myth about a big, tall, with hair growing on its back, long nails, long arms, and very sharp claw named 'The Wendigo' some indeginous people have claimed that the Wendigo is real but some people doesn't beleive it until one time a young british-actor filmed their movie here and doesn't go home in one piece, their production team were all missing including him until police discover a mass of body lying on the ground piece by piece. -Dr.Hill

(They heard a noise)

The fuck is that? -Chris
Shhh...shh.. -Dr.Hill

Then a tall monster came out

Shit! It's the Wendigo! Run -Dr.Hill

They both run, while running Dr.Hill's shirt were caught in a fallen tree branch

Oh god! Chris! Help me please! Get me out of here! -Dr.Hill

Chris, pull out Dr.Hill, then suddenly the wendigo stretch its arm and grab the head of Dr.Hill

No! Doctor! Shit shit shit! -Chris

The wendigo squashed Dr.Hill's head to pieces Chris runs faster and reach the Cabin,

Guys! Let me in! -Chris
What the hell Chris? What happen? (OPENS THE DOOR) -Ryan
(EXHAUSTED) Shit....shit.....shit....a monster, a wendigo kills him. Fucking hell! God damn! -Chris
Are you serious bro? A monster? You can't be serious. -Ryan
This can't be real! What the hell is going on around here? -Ash
Here's the plan, we will pack our things and Leave this fucking cabin. -Ryan
Really? Right now? -Josh
Yes, right now, right fucking now. -Ryan

Hello! Sorry for the long time that i haven't posted about Until Dawn because i have a flue last last week i'll try to make this story great again in the next few days. Thanks.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 04, 2015 ⏰

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