Chapter 1: Shy

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I was sitting down at the high school lunch table talking to my homies and there I saw her, the most perfect girl in the world.. She had:
|| long curly brown hair
Light skinned
White half sleeve obey shirt
Black cargos
White Jordan
Black SnapBack ||
She was taking and laughing with her friends.. And I was staring at her .. Until she caught me in my gaze but by the time I jumped up to go to class... She was standing there tapping my shoulder trying to get my attention..


Her(Audrey): "wassup ma? I saw you staring at me so I had to see what's up with you..."

Me: *rubs neck* "Oh no.. I was looking at the person next to you..😂😂

Audrey: "sure you was ma.. So what's your name and what class you going to?"

Me: "im Anijah and I'm going to law class right now.. Where you going😕??"

Audrey: "I'm going to math.. Lord knows I hate that class and that teacher😤"

Me: "lol same.. Well Ima get gong I'll see you later😌"

After I ended the conversation we both went out separate ways..

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