Chapter 3

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{Emma's POV}
"We need to talk," Emma stated storming back into his quarters. He followed smugly behind her closing the door.

"I suppose you have many questions." He commented merely shrugging. "Perhaps I should start with why you're here. You see Emma, I'm excellent in getting what I want, and I've had my eye on you for a while now." Emma's heart skipped a beat.

"You want me?" She chuckled. "You really know how to charm a woman, don't you?" It was his turn for a laugh.

"I don't want you. I want what you have. More importantly, I want what your parents have." Emma turned red for just suggesting that he would want her.

"So, I'm a ransom?" She sighed rubbing her eyes. The dress he had provided was itchy, but much more comfortable than the red dress she had worn before.

"Aye, love.. I was just after your crown, but after seeing your castle, I couldn't help myself. So, here you are," he gestured to his surroundings. "You should be honored that you're on the finest vessel in all of the realms." Emma felt her head. No crown.

"Where the hell is my crown?" She threatened him taking a few steps closer.

"Sold it," he stated bluntly shrugging. "I now have enough money to feed my entire crew for fifty years. Although, it will be used for other purposes," he said glancing down to her cleavage and smirking. She scoffed at his reference to Emma as a woman he could buy.

"I need that crown. It's not mine.. it's my mothers from my grandmother's funeral. You have to get it back," Emma was furious. Giving her magic away, Emma's palms began to glow with her anger. He took a step back. "Tell me where the crown is," she yelled. He thought for a moment before coming to a conclusion.

"You didn't tell me you wielded magic," he held up his hands.

"You didn't ask, and people tend to judge me when they know I have magic." He thought for a while before proposing an idea.

"Killing me would mean that you would never get your crown back." Emma lowered her hands. He he a point. "Tell you what, Swan," he said taking a step closer until he was inches from her lips. "I'll get you your crown if you give me all of the money I desire from the royal family." Emma glared at the conceded pirate.

"I don't have to give you anything," her hands began to burn up, and she knew they were glowing.

"Then I'm afraid you don't get your crown back." He leaned in only slightly before Emma took a step back.

"Take me to my crown, or I'll kill you and everyone on this ship." Bringing her palms to face him, Killian clenched his jaw before smiling.

"You're a tough lass," he chuckled pointing at her. "You sure pirating isn't in your bloodline? Emma clenched her jaw this time. "You bested me, I'll take you to the man I sold it to, but it means we'll have to travel realms." Holding out one bean, she wondered.

"Do you have another to get back?" He shook his head.

"Where we're going, we don't need a bean to get back," he said before looking her up and down. "You look very nice in that outfit by the way. It compliments your figure," Emma rolled her eyes before snapping her fingers.

Immediately, the wench outfit was gone, and a more conservative comfortable outfit sat in its place. She wore a white shirt with a blue vest, black leather pants and gloves, long black boots, a sword, and her hair hung in a pony tail.

"Now that you're not distracted anymore, let's get going," she said as he chuckled.

"You just made things worse, Swan. Now you look like a pirate." He smirked down at her before taking one step closer to kiss her.

Their lips connected, and Emma was so shocked, that she was still for a moment. Killian moved his hand to her lower back pulling her closer and sliding his tongue right past her teeth. She almost groaned before reality hit her and shoved him off.

"What the hell are you doing?" She yelled at his smug figure. "I'm not just one of your wenches! I'm your future Queen, even a pirate should have better manners than that!" Emma took a step back before he dropped his hands obediently.

"Aye, you're right. Apologies milady..." Killian opened the door and took a step through before looking back at her. "All I'm saying is it took you a while to pull away," he smirked raising an eyebrow that caused Emma to roll her eyes, but on the inside... it did things to her.

Refusing to listen to her confused desires, Emma followed him to the deck where the men were working.

"Majesty," one of them tipped his hat towards her along with a raise of the eyebrows at her outfit. Trying not to make contact with any one of them, she kept it moving following the captain close behind and up the stairs to the wheel.

Taking the wheel from Smee's control, he took out the bean and turned to his crew.

"We're going on an adventure mates!" Killian laughed holding up the bean to show them.

"Neverland again, Captain?" Smee almost wined. Emma walked to stand behind Killian and took a seat on one of the barrels.

"Don't patronize me, Smee!" Killian screamed slamming him against the wheel pressing his hook against his neck. "Never speak of Neverland to me unless I bring it up!" Smee held up his hands closing his eyes in surrender.

"Aye aye, Captain! My apologies," he muttered as best he could with the hook against his throat.

"Hey! Let him go, you're gonna kill him!" Emma yelled standing up to Killian and shoving him off of Smee. Besides the crashing of the waves, the atmosphere was as silent as Emma had ever heard. The crew, Smee, and Killian stood in utter shock that she had stood up to the captain. Killian whipped out his sword, but lowered it as Emma raised her hands in a threat to use magic.

"I'll take the wench off your hands, Cap... excuse me, Sir... hand," one of the crew members offered raising a hand. This caught his attention.

"Aye, Sir!" Another perked up raising his hand. "We can take her below decks to dwell with the crew." Pretty soon, the entire crew wanted her. Emma's heart began to race, and her face grew red with anger and fear.

"No!" Killian screamed at his men. Emma glanced at him connecting their eyes momentarily, and her heart settled to its normal pace. "I mean," he stuttered, "if she's sleeping anywhere, it'll be in my chambers, savy?" He pointed to himself and his crew began to nod purely of evil and fear.

Emma glared at Killian before he pressed his tongue to his cheek and looked down.

"As I was saying, we're going to take a little trip, mates!" He took the bean throwing it as far out in the water as he could.

"Where we goin, Cap?" Asked the man who tipped his hat at Emma. Killian grinned evilly before turning the head of his ship in the direction of the open portal.

"The Caribbean!" He yelled as they fell through the portal consumed by the energetic darkness.

*Hey guys hope you like it so far! Please don't forget to like it up and leave a comment or two! Love you guys! -Syd*

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