Chapter 4

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{Emma's POV}
"Hey," Emma yelled for Killian from the barrel she sat on ten feet behind him. They had been sailing aimlessly in the Caribbean for about an hour, and she knew he was lost by the way he kept looking at the map. "So who exactly are we meeting?" she questioned reaching for a bottle of rum on the ground. Killian turned momentarily to glance at her smirking when he saw the bottle in her hands.

"You a rum kind of lass?" He avoided her question with one of his own keeping the wheel due north.

"Don't change the subject, who did you sell my tiara to?" Emma pried taking an oversized drink straight from the bottle. "And yes," it had been a long day, after all.

"The less you know, the better."

"Why in the hell would I care who you sold it to. I know nothing of this land and what it beholds," Emma had a point. Why wouldn't he just tell her who they were meeting.

"She's a captain here. She's one of the most ruthless pirates found in this land... not as ruthless as I, however," he shrugged causing Emma to roll her eyes. "Her name is Elizabeth. Elizabeth Swan." Emma's heart nearly stopped.

She knew Elizabeth Swan from the stories she had read about her and Jack Sparrow. Their adventures as pirates. Emma had always admired her bravery and heroism as a woman, pirate and even captain. For a child with nothing... it seemed like a call of hope. From then on, Emma decided to be addressed as Emma Swan. She wanted to be just as brave as the woman she had read about as a child.

"So where will we meet this, Captain Swan?" She played along acting as if she had no idea what he was talking about.

"White Cap Bay," he murmured causing Emma to stand now. The very name of that God awful place would strike fear in anyone who knew of it.

"White Cap Bay? Are you mad?!" Emma almost shuddered as the forsaken words spilled from her mouth.

"It used to be infested with murderous mermaids that liked to sink their teeth into any sailor or pirate passing by. Those mermaids have nested elsewhere. No man would ever travel to White Cap Bay, so they began to starve. The bay is safe, I presume." He paused. "Wait... I thought you knew nothing of this land." Killian turned as he set the course of the ship towards White Cap Bay.

"Well, I mean I've heard stories.." Emma muttered as Hook raised his eyebrow. "Fine, I know a lot more than you think about this place and who we're meeting." He furrowed his brow.

"You know of Elizabeth?" He questioned crossing his arms.

"That's how I got my last name..." Emma's cheeks flushed embarrassed that she would even bring that part of her past up with the man who had kidnapped her only twenty four hours before.

"Emma Swan?" He thought about it and then put two-and-two together nodding. "Are you related or do you admire her?" Emma's look told him everything. "What's your real name?" He asked quietly.

"I didn't really have a last name. The man who raised me and my brother, Marco, found me in a baby blanket with the name 'Emma' woven into the corner. They called me Emma until I started to read the books about Elizabeth Swan. For a kid with nothing, the book seemed like something I would never understand. Hope," Emma looked down before taking another drink of the rum. "Being a pirate was always my childhood dream, but I was just an obsessed little kid. Now I know better," she spat intending to hurt his feelings. He merely smirked.

"By the looks of your outfit, I'd say you're dream is still very much alive," Hook chuckled. Emma rolled her eyes. "You sure you don't want me to show you my quarters again?" He winked as she stood slapping his arm.

"I'm not a woman you want to mess with, remember?" Emma's hands glowed reminding him who was in charge around here.

She felt something brush her wrist. Looking down, Emma felt as if she was going to be sick. He slipped a small black cuff around her wrist.

"What the hell did you just do?" She could feel her knees slightly buckle weakly under her as if all the energy was sucked dry from her body.

"Well now you could say I'm the dominant one around here," he brushed her chin with his finger tip causing her to yank her face out of his reach.

"You took away my magic..." Emma spat trying with all her might to yank the cuff free from her wrist. "I won't be your wench," she stated proudly standing up for herself.

"It's a shame, really," he looked her up and down tauntingly for good measure. "Here," he said shoving a pale full of what looked somewhat like food in her hands. "So you're not completely useless," he narrowed his eyes cocking his head at her before turning her around and shoving her away.

Confused, Emma walked aimlessly around the deck of the ship before being stopped by a deckhand.

"It's for the prisoner below decks," he basically shouted at her before walking over. Emma nodded. His long black hair and stubble catching her off guard.

"Thanks," she smiled weakly at the handsome pirate. She turned before he caught her arm.

"I'm sorry about this whole mess..." he sincerely apologized for his captain. "Please don't tell Hook I said that," a shot of nerve flew across his face. "My names Will Turner," he stuck out his hand kindly.

"Emma Swan," she replied quietly shaking it. She couldn't believe it. It was Will Turner from the books she read as a child. Emma pulled away quickly not to act strange. "And wouldn't dream of it," she chuckled before turning back below decks.

"Be careful, the beast below decks will try to torment and trick you. Don't give into what he offers," he reassured her with a smile before picking his rag back up.

"Back to work!" Hook shouted in their direction. Emma glared at him before slowly turning her back to him.

Opening the door to below decks, Emma walked down into a dark room, the wooden stairs creaked under her every step. A high pitched chuckle echoed in the dark room.

"Whose there?!" Emma yelled feeling her way around. "Show yourself," her voice cracked nervously before she felt around finding a lantern. She lit it with a match in her pocket and continued towards the sound.

Soon, she reached an empty cage.

"I know you're in there," she hoped the prisoner couldn't hear her voice tremble.

"Emma Swan," said a nasally man climbing gracefully down the bars from the ceiling where he hid. Emma's heart skipped a beat. How would he know who she was? "I've been waiting for this day for a very long time... Dearie."

*Hey guys! Hope you liked it! If you did please feel free to hit the like and comment what you think and what you think WILL happen😉*

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