First Day Butterflies

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I wake up, my alarm buzzing throughout my room. I shut off the alarm as I look at the time.


I sleepily get out of bed, and walk to my closet where I have already set out an outfit for today. My first day of 11th grade. Honestly, I'm sick of school. I only go, so I can see my friends and socialize with others. Scratch that, the only reason I go to school is so I can get into Harvard.

I take my outfit and lay it out on my bed. As I walk into my bathroom, I start to play music on my phone while I'm in the shower.

After my shower, I dry myself than walk out of bathroom covered in a towel. Walking back to my room I past my brothers, where his door is wide open.

"Hot." I hear his friends say, than laughing. My brother Parker, than turns his head towards them all, scolding them.

I roll my eyes, and continue the walk back to my bedroom. I close and lock the door behind me, because of the towel incident of '14. One of Parker's friends had walked into my bedroom after my shower, and pulled my towel down. I decided to attack with the closest thing possible, and that was my lamp... I broke his index finger and to this day no one except for us knows.

And his doctor... And my best friend...

My best friends name is Cole. Oh and he's probably the coolest person I will ever meet.

I guess you can say he's my... Protector? Bad boy repellent?

Every bad boy, or not so good boy that comes my way is harshly rejected, by not me; but by my best friend.

I walk towards my bed to dry myself off and put on my outfit. I slip on my black bra and underwear, than putting on my white crop top. I then put on my favorite pair of high waisted shorts, and a flannel. Before I unlock my door, I grab my golden necklace. I struggle to strap the necklace on so I walk outside, and into my brothers room.

"Parker?" I yell out, passing the group of boys now staring at me. "Can you buckle my necklace, please?" I ask him.

Apparently Parker is half dressed, and doesn't seem to be much of a help at the moment. Instead all 5 boys rush towards me, practically knocking each other over. Unfortunately broken finger guy got to me first.

"How are you going to zip me up with a broken finger?" I whisper, smirking.

"Still hot. I missed you, Aspen."

"I bet you missed my lamp too."

He pushes me away from him, and I spin around. With a disgusted look on my face, I slap him leaving a red handprint. I shoot him a dirty look as I hold onto my necklace. He had already clipped it on, so I walk downstairs ignoring the comments his friends made to him.

I grab my backpack that sits next to the front door, and pull my lunchbox out of the fridge where I had already packed my lunch. I place my lunchbox inside my backpack and zip it closed. I than hear my phone ring from my bedroom and remember that I had left it, in my bathroom.

I rush upstairs, and open the bathroom door for it to slam shut once I walk in. Someone pins me up to the door, my hands above my head.

"Leave me alone, Justin." I say to the broken index fingered boy who was now harassing me.

He laughs. "Oh yeah? And what if I don't?" He responds, tempting me to get angry.

"Than ill break your other index finger."

"Funny. You're very funny Aspen."

"I'm serious. I will break your other finger if you keep harassing me."

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