The Fake Truth

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Then My eyes and body started glowing then.......

Fake Lucy pov~

I can't believe I was mean to Natsu I'm sorry. "Hey where are u taking me". "To the park". "The park??". "Don't u remember". Oh crap. "Of course I do". Phew I almost blew it. We went got ice cream I got vanilla he got strawberry. We went and sat on the bench. "So how long are u going to pretend to be Luce". Huh how he..." What are talking about". "I know your not Lucy". "But how". "First u forgot that me and Luce went on a date here second she always gets strawberry". "Ohhh". Shit all my hard work is ruined. "Where is my Luce". He said with a sweet voice. "Wellllll". "Well what". He controlled his anger.

Lucy's Pov~

Huh where am I. was I crying. "Look who finally woke up". Piper???  "You gave us the hibbie gibbies". "Maddie??"." Sis u okay". "Yeah I'm fine but what just happened". "Some how you where sent there by someone"  Piper said. "But who" Maddie said. "I know but we need to find Jay first". I said try to hurry. "Fine but where do we start" Melanie said. "That's easy". I closed my eyes and saw Jay with the fake Lucy. "There at the park lets hurry, open portal to the park". As we got there we saw someone. "Oi Luce did u ditch that bastard". Slap him across the face. "Owe Luce that hurt". "You idiot I love Jay and my family". "But where your family". "I'm no longer part of your family and to think I trusted you". "Lucy lets go". Melanie said. "Yeah we got to hurry". as we left. Natsu stayed their About to cry. For some reason I felt bad no. I shake my head and focused on Jay. " there he is". Piper said. "oh no where to late" Juvia said. "no way". I fell on my knees I-I can't beleive it he k-kissed her. "wait a minute is that...." Juvia said but froze. I look to see and my eyes widen. "noooooooo". I ran toward him and saw him fall and here a soft whisper. "I'm sorry Luc..." he knew but why. "hahahahahaha". I hold him close to my chest. "no please no don't leave me I love you". Tears start falling and hits on his face. "don't worry I'm still here don't cry". "Jay are u okay". "all I wanted to say was I love you Luce..." and I heard his last breath. "no no no don't u can't u can't leave me". " you bastard u made my Lucy cry". Huh I stoped and turn back. "Natsu???" we both say in a confused voice.

Fake Lucy~

"Natsu????". I said again. "Lissana what happaned". "how did u find out I even put on the same disgusting scent". "my nose must have missed that". "but Natsu why do u stay with her she just a weakling". "no she not she has stronger, stronger then u". What that hurt. "don't u understand". "understand what??". "you are clueless arn't u". "whatgia say". "I said your clueless". "clueless" he tried to control his anger. "oh I forgot to change back, oringnal form, Gen no Henka". I transford back. "the original me looks to nice, Watashitachi no warui yatsu". My hair was longer with curls on the bottom, my eyes became black, their was a black shaped dimond clip on the right side of my hair, my dress was strapless and it was up to my knees silver on the top black on the bottom With black heels with silver and black dimond earings. ( if u want to know what the dress and shoes look like got to the video and slide it ). "L-lisana wh-what are you doing". "this is who I really am". "but why you used to be so sweet and kind". "you understand that I love you" I screamed it out. "wh-". "I have always loved don't u remember". "you what". "don't tell me you forgot".I can't beleive he he forgot. "forgot what".

Natsu's Pov~

Remember what I don't understand but I can't hurt Lissana. " Lissana I..". " don't call me that just call me that name all it brings is darkness from now on you will call me Kuro" ( ko-u-row thats how its pronuced). "but Lis..". She can't I-I wont let her change I don't want the people I love to change. "Don't u dare call me even tho it pains me to hurt u if you just let me finish my job" "N....". "Noooooooooo". Then the blonde that I know and love had gotten up the tears dissapear the light in her eyes as black as coal her outfit changed she wore a black dress so long it could trip so many people (really Natsu) her hair turn black. (sorry with the black). Her beatiful smile turned to an evil smirk. Her lovely voice as deep and trembling. what happen to my Luce." Hahahahaha you think your life is full of darkness hah don't make me laugh I'm sick of u and everyone my whole life is full darkness you all don't know it my mom told me this advice that I have used my whole life ( In her mothers voice ) The worst kind of pain is when you smile for the tears to stop....". The pain she felt wait how, how could I forget even before she met us she has always been in pain I now remember that book she was writing everything in her heart was wrote into that book the hard times and the good times but has stoped the words that held her dream the dream to having a real family but all I did was treat her like an weak wizard who can do nothing but complained but I know now that I love Luce. "eh are talking to me I'm the one who should be laughing all you had was daddy issues hah". "fine then get ready to die" my eyes had widen her eyes turned bloody red and face looked black.

Lucy's Pov~

" wh-what are you a demon". "prey don't speak when there dead". I was about to attack untill someones arms...

~Is Jay really dead, and what will Natsu do, and will Lucy kill Kuro (Lissana), And why is gray there ops you werent supose to know that but wait till the next chapter come out~

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