Part Thirteen - Bones' POV

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From the set Booth and I heard the door slam open, and hurried footsteps.

Meera Malik was 5' 8" tall and had skin the color of coffee. Her features were soft. I could tell from her skull structure that she was most likely a mix of African American and Pakistanian. Suddenly I felt very defensive, even jealous.

Meera Malik stormed onto the set and grabbed Booth's arm, pulling him off. I surpressed the urge to break her arm.

"What the hell do you think you're doing"?! She asked, steaming.

"You killed our daughter". Booth replied calmy, not bothering to hide his tears.

This, I know, was not true, that it was Christopher Pelant who killed our daughter, but I understood that Booth mean that she was responsible for the death of our daughter.

"I understand that you have suffered a GREAT injustice at the hands of your agency, Agent Booth." She hissed. "But that was OUT OF LINE"! Booth shook his arm free and we began to walk away. "You do understand, that the FBI received permission from my agency to inform you of Christopher Pelants status"! She called after us.

We turned around. "What"? Booth snapped. "My director told our FBI correspondent that you two, and only you two, could be informed of Christopher Pelants status. I had absolutely no idea that you had not been informed until today"!

With that she turned and stormed off, out another exit door. Booth and I just stared at each other. Who was the CIA's correspondant? I wondered.

"If what she said is true,Booth, than the CIA's correspondant is more to blame for Christine's death than the actual CIA! We have to find out who that is"!

Back in the lab, I examined the now clean and defleshed bones of the newest victims. They had the same injuries as my daughter. Wait... no. There was something different about the latest.

"Hodgins"?! I called. A few seconds later he came speed walking into the bone room. "Can you take a swab of this nick on the inside of the skull"? There seems to be a powdery substance, underneath a layer of a clear resin"... I said fading out.

He nodded and took the skull from me. I sighed and placed earbuds into my ears and began to exaim the other set of remains.
An hour or so passed before I heard the blare of the lab siren. A chemical threat has been detected.

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