Part Eighteen - Angela's POV

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While Bones was gone with Booth I went down to Storage and got a large white board, like the ones they use at the FBI.

Then I went to Cam's office and took the files from the case and made copies. After I returned her files I went back to my office and got to work.

First on the board was Christine. She was a sweet girl, and I couldn't help but feel guilty that I was glad that it was her that was killed instead of Michael Vincent, but I shook it off.

Christine was the youngest of the victims. She was the first one killed, but we found her body 4th.

I tacked her picture up, and then under it a peice of paper with her name. Under that I put the picture of the kids playing hide and seek near the river.

Next up went the first of The Toddler Takers victims to be found. Jenna Fishburn. She was seven years old, and was found about a month after Christine went missing, in the bushes at a local park next the where an ice cream cart usually was parked.

Initially the FBI didn't think the two cases were connected, but when Christine was found they were able to match DNA from her body to the girl who was killed next, and it was official.

After I tacked up her picture and her name, I took the picture of dump sight I had taken from my living room wall that morning. It was about a year ago, and in it Christine and Michael Vincent and Bones sat on a bench, eating ice cream and laughing. About fifty feet behind them was the ice cream cart. It was run by a man named Jorge Fernandez. Behind his cart are the bushes that Jenna was found in.

When I had finished tacking up Jenna's information I moved on to the next girl. Her name was Cassandra (Cassie) Douglas. She was the youngest of the victims. She was five. She had red pig tails and green eyes. About right months before she was killed Hodgins and I brought Christine and Michael Vincent to a movie theater. We went to go see Frozen. Christine spilled blue slushie all the way down the front of her white outfit. Below the picture of Cassie I hung a picture of Christine and Michael Vincent holding their slusies, before the movie started. Cassie was found behind the theatre.

After Cassie was killed, there was a girl named Francis Harold. When I first heard her named I smiled. It sounded like such an old-timey name.

She was seven. She had black hair and green eyes. She was a chubby girl, and she was found in a dumpster behind a trampoline park, where Michael Vincent had his 3rd birthday party.

Beneath her picture I tacked one of my son, Christine, and four other children from the pre school they go to. It was taken seven months before Francis died.

When I first realized that Pelant had been inside of my house and was looking at my pictures I felt violated. Not only because he was trespassing, but because he has done this before. At least this time he didn't leave a dead body.

I'm sure that in his mind he thinks that he is copying my art, that he's saluting me, but to me, leaving bodies at places I've photographed is mockery.


Many hours later I was woken by Bones. "Angela? Are you all right"?

I opened my eyes to see Bones kneeling down next to me, her hand on my shoulder and tears streaming down her face.

Looking around and seeing my office I realized that after I finished taking up all the victims' information I had fallen asleep, right there on the floor.

To Bones, it must have looked like I was dead. These days I was pale, and skinny. I looked like a corpse walking.

"Yeah. I just fell asleep. Why are you crying"?

Bones smiled and motioned to the bulletin board. "This is great work Angie".

I smiled and sat up. Bones sat down next to me and we both faced the board. We stated at it for the longest time, our eyes going over every detail, every number, every name, we saw every face.

And then Bones broke the silence.

"Something terrible has happened Angela".

I looked over at her, alarmed.

"Im pregnant".

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