angel love locked

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This my first story i hope u like it:)


"Hunny; its going to be fine."

Those are the words that came out of my mothers mouth on the first day of school.

so since i was 12 i had 3 friends total my names chloe and im 14 years old my friends are ashley, tess, and amber ok so my life isint so bad but my friends are considered too be freaks but good kind of  weird  freaks me and my friends have lots in common. Execpt that im completly in love with this kid named tyler i liked him ever since the 5th grade i know right the fith grade but common he was the most adorable thing y u could ever lay eyes on ok so my life story is that i am an angel like those things that are supposed too watch over you and have wings well i am an angel but not any angel im a fallen angel. ive been around for only 14 years. You might be thinking that fallen angels have been around for years but accually a young fallen angle as you can say but the thing is that ive only been around for 14 human years i am the first angel in existence too be born in human years but im half human half angel my parents fell in love my mother is a human her name is Amy but my father he was killed because he was an angel and fell in love with a human.My mother wasint cause she found out when she was pregnant with me and thats why i still live with her.

None knows about me but her i still have wings i get them when i turn 15 in two weeks my birthday is on  october 29 but if i had a choice i wouldint want too have a birthday or even a family.

While i was on the bus too school my friend ashley sat next too me.

"chloe arent you exited for school."

"um just because your a straight A student doesint mean i like school too bud."

she chuckled underneath her breath

"Well im exited that i get too see tess she was too busy with her boyfriend this summer."

"You mean matt yah he moved two weeks ago. thank the lord!"

we both started laughing as we pulled up too the school.

As we got off the bus i saw tyler the kid that i was madly in love with he was walking next too his friend jordan who ashley liked.

"Heyy chloe, how was your summer?"jordan said

"good, i guess it was kinda boring though."

ashley glanced at jordan as if he was the only person on the sidewalk

"umm ashley are you ok?"jordan asked

" yyy yah...."

"well we better go inside." i insisted.

me and shley walked in the school as fast as we could.

"ok why does tyler have too hangout with jordan" she said.

"maybe cause there friends duhhhh they have been friends forever."

As we got too our lockers tess ran too us like she hadint seen us in forever.

"I missed you guys!" she hugged us

"heyy tess ive missed you so much have you seen tyler yet hes cuter than last year."i smiled at them.

"Chloe's getting sick again."ashley joked.

i walked away and waved while holding my purse and books. All of the sudden i ran into tyler.

"Im sorry i was.."

he itterupted "it's fine i ran into like 10 people already this morning."

i laughed."well bye tyler." i smiled

"bye." he walked away

i felt so stupid i didint even say anything too him but sorry i need too toughin up more and talk

as i walked into homeroom i saw tess and ashley and amber and tyler in the back tess saved me a seat

"hey.."then she interupted me

"chloe this is serious i just heard that tyler is going too ask you out on a date, no lie."

i couldint speak. then mr. martin started talking

"hello everyone so this year you are going too be in my homeroom....."

as he was talking i looked back at tyler he was staring right at me and he noticed me looking and smiled i smiled back

*close too the end of the day*

"hey chloe."tyler said

"heyy" i replied

"can i walk you too your locker."


as we were walking it was compliete silence between both of we got too my locker he finally spoke!

"so i was wondering if you would like too go on a date with me too the movies this weekend at 7:00 ill have my sister bring us."

"yes! i mean that sounds fun." i blushed.

he smiled"its a date. ill see you later ok. bye"

"bye i said"

As soon as i got home i called tess

"oh my god you were right he did ask me out!"i blurted out as she answered the phone

"really when how where speaking of where what are u going too wear..."

as we talked for hours i couldint wait for this week too end.


thx for reading my story people right after this im gunna work on the next chapter.

comment, rate, fan:)

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