Chapter 5 - KUMA IN DA HOUSE!

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Bill's POV

"Candy! Grenda! Pretty girl I don't know! Hey!" Mabel greeted, letting her friends and a stranger in. I felt the presence of a demon. A familiar one. Maybe...

   "Hey, Mabel! Meet our new friend, Kuma." Candy introduced. My eyes widened and I ran to the door.

   "K-Kuma!?!" I choked. I hadn't seen her in so long! I missed her black hair and blonde bangs, her red and blue eyes, her strange psychotic personality, her lack of pants, everything.

"I wear pants! They're just really short!" Kuma shouted childishly and then smiled. She tackled me in a hug and I did the same.

"God, it's been a while! What have you been doing?" I laughed as we let go of each other.

"You know, making bets and stuff with idiots. The usual." She shrugged nonchalantly but grinned like a maniac. "How're you and that Dipper kid?"

"Who the hell are you?" Dipper asked, walking in. Is that his ex girlfriend or something? I hope not...

"Kuma! Nice to meet you! I'm Bill's bestie!!" Her grin got wider, giving her a psychotic look as she slung her arm over my shoulder.

"Oh. Nice to meet you too." Dipper looked calm but his mind exploded into a million thoughts. I could only catch a few words since his thoughts were moving so quickly. I formed a sentence with the words I gathered. I don't like her. Go away. He's mine. This made me smile but I knew these weren't even close to his exact thoughts. It was a guess from what I could catch.

   "Isn't Bill just amazing?" Kuma laughed and clung onto me. Right then, I knew what she was doing. She wanted to know whether Dipper liked me.

   "More like annoying." Dipper rolled his eyes. Yeah he's amazing! And mine so back off!

   "Haha, yeah. Pretty hot too." Kuma made lustful eyes and her hands trailed my chest. Knowing where this was going, I just let it happen. Why's she touching him like that? Why's he letting her?

   "Okay then. Bill, can I talk to you? Alone?" Mabel laughed, eyeing Kuma suspiciously.

"Yeah." I nodded and we walked into the kitchen. Thank god.

"We'll be in Mabel's room!" Candy and Grenda announced.

"What's going on?" She asked with a very angry face. I laughed nervously.

"She's just my best friend! I'm 666% gay! She's just making Pine Tree jealous!" I waved my arms frantically in front of my face, feeling Mabel's wrath. It took a few seconds for her to finally calm down.

   "Okay. That's a pretty good idea, actually..." Mabel shrugged after a while.

"God, Shooting Star, you're so scary sometimes." I let out a relieved sigh.

"Well, I'm a fangirl! It's my job to protect my ships! I'm sure the readers would've done the same!" Mabel stood proudly and looked off into the distance while holding her hand over her heart. I looked to where she was looking and was even more confused. "Come on!" She dragged me out of the room before I could ask anymore questions.

"Wait!" I stopped her and listened. "Dipper and Kuma are arguing." I whispered. We listened intently, catching the whole conversation.

"Why should I give him to you? All you do is hurt him! He's my best friend and I won't let you hurt him anymore! Only I can make him happy!" Kuma growled. She was an amazing actress to say the least.

"But he loves me! I can make him happier than you ever could! I just... I have a hard time expressing my feelings. But I know that if I tried, I could make him forget all about you!" Dipper seethed. They glared at each other.

   "Hey guys! We're back!" Mabel walked in, laughing lightly. Immediately, they smiled innocently.

   "That's great! I need to go now. I just came to grab the journal. Wendy and I are going on a hunt together!" Dipper smiled and was about to get his journal when I stopped him. I was fuming.

   "What!?! B-but that's our thing, Dipper!" I was so upset I had to use his actual names. "Don't do that with her!! It's something only you and I can do together!!" I held into his arm tightly, feeling my eyes get watery. What is this?

   "Bill, I can do whatever I want! I only did that stuff with you because nobody else wanted to! Now let go of me!" He pulled his arm away and ran to his room angrily. I tried calming myself by breathing in and out but it wasn't working.

   "Bill, are you okay?" Mabel asked. They hugged my shaking body. I hugged them and started sobbing.

   "Let me kill her! Let me get rid of her!" I cried.

"Bill, he'll hate you if you do that. But he won't if I do." Kuma whispered, a huge smile spreading across her face at the thought. Dipper walked downstairs and looked at me. He had a look of pure hatred and it broke me. I tried hard not to cry in his presence. He shook his head and walked out the door. As soon as he walked out, I curled up into a ball and sobbed. Couldn't he see how much it hurt me? Did he just not care?

"Bill, no. Don't cry." Mabel pet me.

"What's happening?" Candy asked.

   "Help me. Help me win over Dipper for Bill." Kuma smiled psychotically before adding, "Please or I'll torture her to death for Bill."

   "We accept! We shall defend our ship until the end!" Mabel, Candy and Grenda shouted, doing some sort of salute and standing in a row.

   "Oh my god, thanks so much! Now I don't have to kill her for Bill."Kuma muttered the last part in disappointment. I just sat there, rocking back and forth. Hate. Hate. Hate. Hate. Hate. Hate!

"We need to step up our game. Kuma, you need to be even more flirtatious." Mabel started.

"Got it!" Kuma stuck her tongue out playfully.

   "Candy, comfort Bill. Grenda, help me come up with a plan." Mabel continued. Everyone left to do their own part and I was left with Candy who played with my hair. She was pretty different now. She had short black hair and wore contacts instead of glasses. She still dressed in a similar manner though.

   "Don't worry. In the end, true love always wins. We will put an end to this jealousy you feel and you will have Dipper." She whispered sweetly. "You'll have him no matter what."
Yo! I'm sorry about not updating my other stories and only doing this one. Oh! And a super special thanks to -MEROME- for Kuma! Anyways, thanks for reading! Bye bye, loves!! 💜💜💜

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