Chapter six

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I awoke for my slumber and had an atrocious headache. "Holy shit, mother fucking." I ached. "Morning sunshine." "Um what the fuck are you doing here?" I stood up from laying down. "I stayed over." Danny said.

His hair was all messy and cute but he had his shirt off..

I looked down and I had my bra on¿ I covered myself quickly. "Did we?" I asked. "I wish but no." He frowned. I peeked underneath the covers to reveal that I had underwear on. "I was drunk wasn't I." I said. "Yeah," Danny smirked. "But we didn't do anything all that I know is I was pretty sober and you are just waking up now so, I moved your birthday presents to that side of the room." He pointed. I looked over and my room was pretty clean. "Let me go put on some clothes and we can talk." I nodded my head and got out of bed.

I awkwardly walked by my dresser and just grabbed random stuff really fast. I ran to bathroom turned on the light then shut the door and I was relieved that Danny and I didn't do anything. I threw on the shirt that I had no idea was mine but it had a pot leaf in the middle so it's whatever then I threw on my pajama shorts¿

I opened up the bathroom door then turned off the light and walked out. "CamerOn 420 blaze it." Danny yelled. "Shut your ass up my grandparents are sleeping." I said.

I sat down on my bed and laid next to Danny. "What time did you even wake up?" I asked. "Around 8:37am." He said. "What time is it now?" I asked "it's," he checked his phone. "9:56am." He smiled. "Oh and by the way earlier your grandma came in and said hi to me, So I don't have to be quite." He sassed. "Oh today's Sunday and I think she leaves for work around eight something." I yawned. He slid down the bed at faced me. "I'm not intending to Kiss you Danny." I said. "I never said you had to," he bit his lip "but I could kiss you." He licked his lips playing like. I giggled "duuude I still haven't opened up my birthday presents." My eyes widened. "Oh the ones that I made people give you because I'm a nice person." He smirked "bitch." I sat up and walked over to my collection of presents. "Get your ass over here." I said. Danny got up and walked over to where I was then sat down. "First one." He gave me red bag with a ribbon on it. "Does it have a name?" I searched all over the bag and on the ticket it said Danny. "Oh hey that one looks familiar." He laughed. I took out the paper fillers and there was a envelope I smiled at him And tore open the envelope. I took out the card from it and threw the empty envelope behind me. I opened it up and there was writings on the side.

Happy birthday Cameron or should I say cam-mine, but I want to say something- I've fallen for you harder and harder these passed couple of year but to say that you're mine is overwhelming: I love you

A smile peered on my face as I looked on the other side; you are the stars in my galaxy, the bold print said. I closed the card and sat it next to me. "Was this card wrote when we were together?" I asked. "No, it's still meant for forever of all eternity, the truth was said in there, I will always have something for you like the Boner in my pants right now but yeah you are mine." Danny smiled. I looked at him and felt a little guilty by the way I treated him, but ladt night he did say something about changing and then throwing his box of cigarettes in the water. I smiled and looked in the bag a pulled out a teddy bear the had a heart on it. I threw it on my bed and put the bag aside. "Thanks Danny." I smiled.

The next bag was pretty heavy, "can I open this for you?" Danny asked. I nodded my head and he took the bag from me. He pulled out a card and handed it to me. I scanned the card and it said from lily, I think she's in my fourth period. I opened up the envelope and there was a note inside:

you're going to need these, I see you around school with Danny.

I flipped the envelope upside down and three condoms fell out. "What in the actual fuck." I said. "Holy shit why did lily get you wine.... She got condoms for you too.., I mean for us." He said. I threw the envelope behind me and I looked at Danny "She gave me wine." I freaked. "Yeah shutter home: sweet red." My eyes widened "let me go get cups with ice and a wine opener." I struggled to get up from the floor. "Let me come with you." Danny said. I walked away from him, "bring the vino."

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