I. Hidden Beneath

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"As a child you would wait
And watch from f a r  a w a y
But you always knew
That you'd be the one
To work while they all play.."

"Ugh.. Nutella, why must you taste so good?"

Mabel's silly, drawling complaint was the first noise Dipper heard as he trudged down the stairs. His hands, balled into fists, rubbed at his bleary eyes. He'd been up all night reading as always. Stanford had been generous enough to let him study the journals. Every time he read them over he found something new..

Entering the living room, he found his sister hanging upside down from Grunkle Stan's favorite chair, a smear of chocolate spread along her face and a spoon hanging from her mouth. An empty Nutella jar lie on the floor.

"Uh, Mabel? Isn't that kinda unhealthy?"

"Nah.. I'm a kid, bro-bro! I'm entitled to these kinds of luxuries." She responded, making a mild retching noise at the overly sweet taste in her mouth before sputtering out a laugh.

He smirked and rolled his eyes. Sisters.

Entering the kitchen, he saw Stanley sitting in his chair at the table, a cup of steaming coffee in one hand and the morning paper in the other. "Morning, Grunkle Stan,"

An illegible grumble was his only reply. Dipper smiled faintly. Typical.

He poured himself a bowl of cereal. Rising the spoon to his mouth, he paused when he heard a voice behind him.


Turning around, he spotted his Great Uncle Ford peeking around the corner, a beaming grin on his face and excitement glowing in his eyes. Giving a quick glance at Stanley first to make sure he wasn't watching, he beckoned Dipper over. A bright smile of his own formed as he abandoned his breakfast to follow after his mentor.

Once out of earshot, the scientist began to unleash his giddiness.

"Dipper! Glad I found you. I have something I think you'll like." He winked and grinned. Excitement burst within Dipper's fanboy heart and he resisted the urge to emit a little squeal.

They made their way to the Mystery Shack. Pressing the button on his watch, Stanford opened the door to the snack machine and the duo stepped inside.

"I've been digging through some of my old inventions that I had left behind," he began as the elevator began to descend, "nothing too extravagant, but some of them I think you'll find useful. Or, you know, just fun to play with."

Dipper's grin never faltered. His eyes glistened as he fantasized about what Grunkle Ford had in store for him. Sure, the last invention he'd let him 'play with' didn't turn out so well, but that couldn't be the case with all of them right? He'd just make sure to stay away from anything that was related to mind control is all..

They reached Stanford's secret study. Dipper felt a chill run down his spine as he recalled his last visit here. The Bill Cipher tapestries, statue, and rug were still there, watching him with that sinister, single eye..

Ford strode over to a desk. Atop it was a heap of various trinkets and weaponry. He gestured to them and smiled at Dipper, "See anything you like?"

"Oh, wow!" Dipper breathed, forgetting all about his fear and rushing over to gaze over the items excitedly. "Thanks Uncle Ford!"

"Don't mention it. Now, I have some work to do, but you can stay down here and pick out anything you want, out of that pile only." He reminded gently. Dipper nodded vigorously and began to dig.

Most of the items were just guns and other weapons. Man, either Stanford really trusted him, or he'd been in another dimension for far too long. A few trinkets caught his eye, a green and black watch that popped open to reveal a mini first aid kit. A bit of gauze and a tiny vial of green liquid was held inside. Something he couldn't even begin to pronounce was written on the label. He shrugged and fastened it to his wrist. Probably useless to him, but it looked cool anyway.

Another object was a lantern. It looked like any ordinary lantern, but the flame within burned bright no matter what. He tried to extinguish it, but it only seemed to burn brighter. "Cool,"

"You like that?" He heard Stanford's voice across the room. He was busy shuffling through papers and documents, but noticed Dipper's interest in the lamp. "I call it the 'everlasting lantern'. Burns brighter than any ordinary lamp and can last up to one thousand years. Sort of like that light bulb I made, just travel size."

Dipper decided to keep that as well. He could use it when trying to solve mysteries.

He continued to rummage though the pile, selecting a few more inventions and tucking them in his jacket. Suddenly something caught his eye. A book lie at the very base of the heap, almost entirely buried. He shoved a few things aside and gasped at the sight now before him.

A journal.

//Hello there! Thank you so so so so much for checking out my crazy crossover. I know nothing has led to The Evil Within yet, but we'll get there in the next chapter I promise! :) I hope you enjoyed his and don't forget to vote/comment if you did! It means a lot! I'd really love some feedback on this since it is my first crossover. :3 Hope you have a splendid day and see you in the next chapter!\\

Song credit: "Warriors" by Imagine Dragons

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