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Next day~~

You woke up by your alarm but decided to sleep a little...

Three hours later

You wake up looking at the time you widen your eyes it's already 12:30 😧😖

You think I am gonna be super late should I go or stay home then you remember you had to turn in something so you quickly get ready and leave

At class~
You walk and the bell rings for lunch as you stay outside the students come out of the class room but you see your "friends" stay with someone and guess who no other than Jimin 😧

So you watch from the outside you watch them mess up his hair and throw his glasses of the floor and empty his backpack on his desk

Jimin is just sitting there no word to sounds just watching them

You don't really know what to do so you just slowly leave hoping you will still be able to meet Jimin after school

Class starts~
The teacher looks at and ask where you were you reply with "I wasn't feeling well so I took medicine and then I came"

The teacher says "ohh okay"

As he keeps talking the scene of Jimin keeps repeating in your mind

Then you think if Jimin just took all of this and never asked for anything he is fine he doesn't need help... If he ask me then I will help ohh I am so smart :)

Then you get tapped by your table mate or your "friend" you look at her

She says "why look when you can be helping me"

Aishh this girl is so full of her self 😐

Class bell rings~

This day is done no more of that annoying girl and just sleep :)

You start packing until the "cool students" come to you

You look at them before you could say anything they say "y/n lets go get some bubble tea"

Before you could say no the grab your wrist and leave... Ughhh more annoying people

At the bubble tea shop/stand~
They talk with you and around 1 hour passes then they say "y/n so nice talking with you we should do this more often any ways we got to go home" with that being said they left

You sit there sipping at your bubble tea then you spot Jimin?

He was walking up to the owner of the shop/stand
And he was smiling

That's the first time I have seen him smile wow he has a nice smile and actually looked happy

But who am I to care ._.

So you pack your stuff and leave as you are walking someone bumps into you and there bubble tea is all over your shirt you look to find Jimin holding his left over bubble tea

He just walks away not saying anything
Wow rude and I was gonna help this kid -.-

So you quickly walk home

At home
You take a shower change your clothes finish you homework

And no you don't eat anything so after you finish your homework you do your night routine and head to bed but then you remember Jimin spilling his bubble tea and leaving

Was that on purpose!!!
What did I ever do to him!!!!!!

The next morning~
You wake up on time :)
You get ready and head out for school

You see some students already there so you sit in your seat and then you see Jimin walk in and take his seat

Class ends~
As the bell rings everyone packs up ready to leave and once again you see your "friends" going to bully Jimin you decide to follow them and watch them

Once they pick on Jimin you take his bag which is on the floor and "accidentally" knock it over and walk away taking your stuff

Jimin's pov
Yes yes I spilled bubble tea it was on accident I swear but then I panicked so I left without saying sorry

I saw y/n today but she seemed cool so why bother?

But then class ended and here we go again with these "cool students" :/ well it's ok I don't really care as they finished bothering me y/n came up to me and knocked over my bag and walked away

She must have been mad?

Was that really her friends she is really cool well I guess until you screw around with her or you spill bubble tea and walk away •^•

Ughh now is she gonna start helping???
I really should apologize but how she might ignore me or she might not care :(

Why is this got to be so hard???

To be continued...........

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