Chapter 8

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The next day I rushed to the beach to see if she was there. Sadly she wasn't so I returned home to find dad in one of his moods.

"Will! You need to make me some dinner." he said as he stumbles toward me

I sighed and said "Ok."

Dad nodded and went back to drown himself in beer. I'll make it later.

Just then there was a knock on the door. I opened it to reveal my best friend Emma.

"Hey Will. Ready to study?" she asked walking in

I smiled "Yep."

I followed her into my room.

Emma and I have been best friends since we were 13. My mom and her mom were best friends in high school and they connected again, and brought us.

I love Emma, but she will always be my best friend. We tried the dating thing, but it just didn't work and became friends instead. It's not acward at all that's the best thing about Emma.

"So....Romeo and Juliet." she groaned "Why can't we learn about something from this age? Like how Linsey Lohan deserves to be in prison, or how Britney Spears can't sing, or-"

I put my hand over her mouth to stop her from talking "You talk a lot. You know that?"

She rolls her eyes and take my hand away from her face "How can I forget with you reminding me every five seconds."

I chuckle, then to the textbook out of her hands "Ok Romeo and Juliet...."

A few hours later we were on the last question on the worksheet "Ok last one" I said "Do you think it was right to for Romeo and Juliet to kill themselves?"

"Hm." Emma thought for a moment "It's romantic and stuff but why did they have to kill themselves? I mean if they would've just told their parents they probably would've been able to live."

I shake my head "But their parents wouldn't have believed them, and besides, Romeo would've been put into jail, while Juliet would be forsted to marry that Paris guy. Imagine your parents not excepting who you are, or more importantly who you love."

Emma nodded "You're right, like usual."

I smiled "I know." I looked at the clock "Shit. I was supposed to make my dad some dinner."

Emma stood up "Oh that's cool I'll leave."

She gave me a tight hug and I whispered in her ear "Thanks."

She smiled "Call me if anything happens."

I nodded "Ok."

She walked to the front door. I catch a glimpse of dad who's glaring at me.

"Bye see you tomorrow." Emma waved and headed to the light blue convertible.

I closed the door and turned to face my dad.

"Will! What time is it?" dad yelled

"I'm going to make it now." I tried to push past him but he wouldn't move "I'm sorry dad I lost track of time."

He smacked me and I stumbled back against the door. I touched my eye and stared at the sticky red liquid rolling down my fingertips. I glared up at my dad.

"You are a failure. If Claire was still here she would be so disappointed in you." he turned on his heels and walked off

Right there I felt like I was stabbed. I ran out of the house down to the beach. I ran into the cave to find Rachel.

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