Chapter 33

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Chapter 33

Aviana's POV

I've been living with Mariah and Jeff for a few days now. I love it here. They have an awesome house and are so great to me and Star. I couldn't have asked for anything better. They treated me as if I was their own, something my parents never did. They would just give me money anytime I asked for something. They only made it seem like we were a "picture perfect" family, we never were. I'm glad that Star won't grow up in a life like I had. I'm going to be the best for her.

Star also loves this place. She always looks around in amazement when we walk into rooms. She's also a very happy baby. She's learned a few more words and I can almost understand certain things that she wants. She's also been walking a little. She can walk a few steps. I'm so proud of her!

Mariah and Jeff love having us around. They're just great all together. Mariah has been looking into finding out anything and everything she can about my friends. She hasn't found much but I'm just glad that she's helping me.

Right now she and Jeff are at work and I'm at home with Star. I'm sitting on the floor a few feet away from Star who is standing up by holding onto the couch, trying to get her to walk to me. I've been working with her on walking more and more all the time. She's doing really good so far. The most she's taken is 10, which was yesterday.

She's looking around now, fascinated by all the things around the house. There's so many things for her to find interest in. "Star. Star look at me." I try to get her attention. She takes her time but slowly but surely she fully faces me with a beaming smile showing all her baby teeth. I smile brightly at the image and try to hurry up and get a picture. I succeed and I love it! I made a mental note to make it my background later.

"Hey baby!" I continue smiling. "Walk to Momma. Come 'mere." She looks at me for a second and then laughs her cute baby laugh. "Come here , Star."

She takes a hesitant step forward, then another, and another. 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and then 10. She stops for a second and cocks her head to the side. Giving me a funny look. "You can do it Star!" I cheer her on. She goes to take another step forward and wobbles a bit. Then balances herself and finishes the step. She goes to take another, almost to me now, and then falls on her but.

She sits there for a moment then looks up at me and just stares at me. "Good job! I knew you could do it!" I exclaim, then walk over to her and pick her up, giving her a big hug. "I love you Star! I'm so proud of you."

She looks at me for a moment with a concentrated look, then says: "Momma!"

I laugh and set her down to play with some toys I put out for her earlier. Making sure there wasn't anything harmful around, I went to the kitchen to get some food for Star. I found some carrot baby food that she likes.

After she was done eating she crawled into my lap and slowly fell asleep while we watched some cartoon that she likes. It didn't take long for her to pass out. Walking must have worn her out. I carried her up to her room and out her in her crib. Then making sure that the baby monitor was on I went downstairs to clean up.

Cleaning didn't take long so I decided to take a relaxing bath and just relax and think. I went upstairs and turned on the water, letting it warm up before I got in. I hurriedly got some clothes to put on afterwards and checked on Star. I also took the baby monitor from my room and brought it with me incase she woke up early.

Sometime later I got out the bath and checked on Star who was still sleeping and then went downstairs to make some dinner so it would be ready when Mariah and Jeff got home. It was unusual that they even had work today. They usually only work during the week. But they both got asked to make up the time they took off when I first got here.

Looking around the kitchen I couldn't find much to make. There was some stuff for a roast but that would take too long. There was stuff for spaghetti but I want to make something nice for them. I found some chicken in the fridge and decided to make that.

I looked up online 'Easy delicious chicken recipes' and found one that sounded good. It was like Lemon Lime something. And it looked simple so I decided on it.

Almost as soon as it was done and I had set the table Star started to wake up. I went upstairs and got her ready for dinner. Then I carried her downstairs and checked the time. Mariah and Jeff would be home any minute.

I put Star in her high chair and got her some baby food. She likes being independent so I let her feed herself. She made a huge mess but it was cute to watch. She was in the middle of smearing it all over her face when Mariah and Jeff came home.

"Woah! That's one messy baby!" Jeff says laughing.

"How does she get that little jar of food in so many places?" Mariah adds laughing too.

I join in the laughter and say: "I don't know how she gets full when it goes practically everywhere but her mouth!"

Star, seeing that we were all laughing, joined in and even tried to throw food at us. I made her stop before she got the chance to though. She just looked at me confused but went back to her version of eating which is getting it everywhere.

I heard Mariah gasped, I turned to see why. She was looking at the table. "You didn't have to cook us another meal!"

"I was hungry and figured you guys would appreciate coming home to food on the table. And plus I wanted to thank you for everything you've been doing for me."

"Aviana, we've told you you don't have to thank you us. We love doing this for you." Mariah tells me. I still can't thank them enough for everything. They're the best. If only my parents would have been like this. But then I would have never gotten to know Mariah like I do and helped me in so many ways.

"We're glad you're here. We wouldn't want it any other way." Jeff adds. They make me feel so loved. This is the life I wish I had growing up and it's the life I will be giving Star.

"Let's eat this amazing food!" Mariah changes the subject, not so smoothly but we just go with it.

We passed around the food and I gave Star some small bites.

"This is amazing, Aviana!" Jeff tells me.

"It really is!" Mariah adds.

"Thanks guys." I say.

A/N: Hey guys! So this chapter is basically about how much Star is growing. I went back and read some previous chapters about Star and I also read about the development of babies and decided to change a few things up. I'm going to go back and change some things about her. I don't know when but it will most likely be after I finish writing. Then I'm going to be going back through everything and editing it all to make it much better. And as always THANK YOU for reading my story!

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