Sun Dragons Attack!

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Ryuu P.O.V.

Nice person my ass!

No fucking powers or anything no flipping wings to get me away. Just running my ass off away from this guy that keeps on finding me every freaking where I hide! But let’s go back a couple of minutes.

Back at the platform where I surely thought Maika was dead. Mr.H told us to go to the platform and wait. I felt eyes on me and turned to see Nick looking at me again. I smiled like I did last time but he didn’t return it. He turned around and looked straight ahead. I wonder why this guy doesn’t talk.

“Are you both ready?” asked Mr.H. I nodded but Nick didn’t. I frowned, yes I frowned, I’m usually a smiley person but whatever is going on with this guy he needs to go back to being a smiling person. I huffed folding my arms over my chest. Why should I care anyways?! “Now you two are the last ones. Which means your fight will determine who will win and who will lose. Each team has one win and one loss. Now let the final match begin!” Before he pressed the button to teleport us out of here I heard a bunch of cheering. From where I don’t care but I knew it was from the other people watching us in the cafeteria. Crap I totally forgot that people were watching! Mr.H finally pushed the button and we were finally off.

I felt a fast breeze against my face. I opened my eyes regretting it. I was falling through the sky and I was going fast.

“Oh my God, Oh my God and OH MY GOD!” I yelled as I was going down. Did I ever tell you I freaking hate heights! Yeah go ahead and laugh. A Dragon scared of heights?! This guy’s crazy. Well I’m not crazy! I flipping hate heights!

I kept on falling until I hit a tree, hitting branches as I went down and may I say this is one tall ass tree! I landed on the forest ground on my back. Ow! I groaned in pain and slowly sat up.

“Yep the first 5 seconds already fallen the sky, landed in a tree, and got injured,” I said counting with my hands. I sighed and felt those same familiar cold eyes on me again. I turned around and saw Nick again. “And the next couple of minutes running the hell away from this guy,” I said pointing at him.

He still didn’t say anything but he didn’t need to because I was gone! I got on my feet quickly and started sprinting like my life depended on it which it probably did. I didn’t care about the twigs that got stuck in my hair from my fall. I want to know how he found me. I ran for a couple more minutes until I felt heat at the side of the tree that I was hiding at. Parts of the tree blasted in my face some getting into my left eye. I hissed in pain holding my eye. I felt blood seeping from my fingers and dropping on the ground. I saw Nick walked out from nowhere probably from my left side seeing as I can’t see through it. He had a surprised look on his face his skin paled a bit. He slowly walked up to me his hand reaching up to touch my eye. I noticed that his hands were shaking a bit. Some of my blood got on his hands. He took his hand and stared at for a while. He kept on doing this for a while.

He mouth was opened for a little like he was trying to scream or talk but nothing came out. My eyes widened a bit. Is this what Derek was talking something bad happening to him?! “You can’t talk.”

He looked up quickly from his hand and nodded slowly. I wiped my eye with the back of my sleeve. I didn’t care about my pain. He’s was probably worse than mine. “I’m fine!” I said hitting my chest smiling. He stared at me for a while and slowly gave me a faint smile. He came closer towards me. He brought his other hand to my eye. A yellow light burst out of his hand. I gasped expecting to feel more pain but I didn’t I felt relief. We stayed like this for a while until he stepped back. I opened my eye carefully. It was a little blurry so I kept it closed. He dug into his pocket pulling out a phone and an eyepatch handing it over to me.

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