To the moon... ..and back

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I remember about two years ago when I figured out I actually loved that girl I was with she asked me how much I loved her and I saw the tumblr post that says "from here to here" ect. So I told her 'from here' she sat there and got really pissed off and didn't know what I was talking about, a few months after that she asked me if I'll ever stop loving her and I said I'd love her till death and I promised that. She promised the same.
Last month she dumped me after two years because she didn't love me anymore. That was her reason anyways.
But I promise you when I'm on my death bed, my last words are probably going to be "till here" because I still love her even though I try not to.
For now, I'm sitting in the doctors office, waiting to get a higher dosage on my antidepressant meds.

-kylee xx

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