Part 2

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"We should leave our horses here and continue on foot," Abby said, "and put our cloak hoods up so we don't get noticed." The other girls nodded and did the same. They walked quietly past the borders and snuck past a few buildings. They looked over a hill and saw some Loserville soldiers camping out. Abby started counting soldiers. When she reached the 20th soldier, she found that he was looking at her. General Trevor of Loserville also spotted the girls, but wasn't looking at them with admiration like #20 was. He pointed and yelled something to his second in command David. David charged up the hill like a bulldozer, the girls barely had time to run. David grabbed Juli's arm, but Kelsey Yo-yo attacked him and clawed his face, giving the princesses time to run away.

"What's going to happen to Kelsey Yo-yo?" Juli asked near tears. "I don't know hunny, I don't know... Abby what's wrong?" Hannah asked looking at her sister who was staring wistfully at the Loserville camp. "Oh nothing. Hurry let's get out of here and find the Quifflandish army to get our reven-" Abby was cut off and disappeared. "Abby? Abby? Where'd you g-" Hannah was also cut off and disappeared. Juli started freaking out. "Abby? Hannah? Kelsey Yo-yo? Erik? Kierstin? Mommy? Michael? Someone??" Juli started to cry, then suddenly she felt a hand clamp around her mouth and rope tie around her hands. She tried to kick and scream, but she couldn't. Her capture was too strong. She was thrown into a dark, cold room. Her capture turned around. Sir Dominic of the Quifflandish army. "Nighty night girls, have fun in your cell (evil laugh)" Juli started crying. "Juli is that you?" said a timid whisper. "Abby?" "Yeah it's me, Hannah's here too." Abby said. The girls all hugged each other tightly.

They heard a cough and all jumped. "Who's there?" Hannah asked. "Just us. Lowly prisoners. We came to seek revenge on Quiffland for killing our King, but got captured," the voice said. "How many of 'us' are there?" Abby asked. "3" a different voice said. "What are your names?" Juli asked. "Leah" the first voice said. "Britney" the second voice said. "Kelsey Peanut" said another voice. "Who're you?" asked Britney. "We are the three princesses of Yugoslav, here to avenge our father's death," Abby said boldly. "We're all on the same quest! If we can break out of here we can avenge king Joe's death together!" Leah exclaimed. "Yes, power in numbers!" Kelsey Peanut said. "Yay!" Juli exclaimed happily clapping her hands together. "Yeah, great plan except how're we gonna get out of here?" Hannah asked slamming her hands against the cell door.

Suddenly the door flew open and Hannah was sent backwards crashing into her sisters and her new friends. Two soldier looking guys were thrown on top of the pile of girls. When Hannah saw the first one she groaned, "Sir Erik?" "Sir Erik!" Juli exclaimed hugging him, "you've come to rescue us!" "Oh.. well...uh... yes! I've come to rescue you Princess Juli!" Hannah and Abby exchanged eye rolls. The other soldier stood up and dusted himself off. #20 of the Loserville soldiers. "That wasn't pleasant," he complained. "Yeah, jail isn't pleasant," Abby said helping Kelsey Peanut up. Everyone started banging on the door trying to get out of the jail. "Ugh! We'll never be able to avenge our father!" Juli said starting to cry again. Sir Erik patted her back awkwardly. After a little while they all gave up and tried to go to sleep. Juli, Kelsey Peanut, and Sir Erik fell asleep almost instantly. Leah and Britney fell asleep back-to-back. Hannah eventually found a comfortable position and then she was asleep. Abby couldn't fall asleep and apparently neither could #20. "I'm Sir Austin of Loserville, by the way..." he said looking over at Abby. "Charmed. I'm Princess Abby of Yugoslav. How did you get taken prisoner?" "I came looking for you...after David came charging after you, I wanted to make sure you and your sisters were alright and General Leo captured me and threw me into the cell." Abby pretended to be asleep.

Hannah was the first one to wake up. She saw light coming in through the cell door, it was open! Kelsey Yo-yo the kitten stood in the door way with a Yugoslav noblewoman, Trinity. "Aw crap I broke a claw! That stupid Quifflandish guard chipped my manicure!" Kelsey Yo-yo complained. Sir Erik woke up next. "Kelsey Yo-yo! My oldest companion!! I've missed you so!" he picked up the kitten and spun her around. "(hiss) put me down nitwit!" Kelsey Yo-yo screeched. Britney and Leah woke up next, "Trinity!" Leah exclaimed hugging her. "You found us!" Britney said joining the hug. "Once you guys didn't come back from your quest, I knew something was wrong. I came to rescue you. I came upon this kitten, Kelsey Yo-yo and she was looking to rescue the three princesses. We teamed up, beat the crap our of those guards and here we are!" Trinity explained.

"Come on let's get out of here before the Quifflandish soldiers come back!" Kelsey Peanut said waking up Juli. They all agreed and quickly skedaddled. The general of Quiffland, Leo, watched the girls and Sir Erik and Sir Austin sneak out of the jail. He called General Trevor and they snuck out of their garrisons to follow the gang. Meanwhile, our heroes (and Sir Erik) snuck up on the Quifflandish army and a fight started. "FOR YUGOSLAV!" Trinity and Kelsey Peanut screamed as they charged on the army. Kelsey Yo-yo attacked the nearest soldier, Sir Nick BooBoo, "this is for my would-be husband!" Sir Erik hid in the corner while everyone fought. Juli, Abby, and Hannah looked for Sir Peter the Dimwit. He was no where to be found, until...

"There!" Hannah screamed and the princesses charged Sir Peter and started beating him up. General Leo and General Trevor charged into the room. Leo grabbed Hannah, Trevor grabbed Juli and said, "Sir Austin grab the last Yugoslavian princess!" Sir Austin hesitated a few moments then grabbed Princess Abby, "of course General. Now let's get these princesses back to Yugoslav and 'make peace' with Queen Marina." "What?" the girls screeched. "Warriors, destroy the rest of the intruders," General Leo said. "NO! ERIK!" Juli screamed. "KELSEY YO-YO! TRINITY! KELSEY PEANUT! LEAH! BRITNEY!" Hannah said struggling against the General's grasp. Juli and Hannah kicked General Trevor and General Leo hard where it hurts and grabbed her friends and ran. "Looks like we only have one princess now..." Leo said to Trevor as he rolled on the ground in pain. "I get her! My soldier has her captive so she belongs to Loserville!" "No!" "Yes!" "No!" "Yes!" Austin dragged Abby out of the room. "Come on we gotta get out of here," he said pulling her after the rest of the gang.

"We have to get back home, like now!" Juli said running. Everyone sprinted to the borders of Quiffland and mounted the horses that the princesses left just a day before. The horses galloped away quickly to the borders of Yugoslav. Queen Marina was waiting outside the castle before the horses even got there. She stood there tapping her foot with her arms crossed. "We're so sorry Mommy!" Juli said as she hopped off her horse. "We just wanted to avenge Daddy's death!" Abby explained quietly. "Oh girls!" Queen Marina opened her arms and her daughters hugged her. "I thought I'd lost you like I lost your father!" the Queen started to cry. "AAAAEEEKKKKK!!" Trinity screeched as she saw marching armies coming over the hill to the border. "The Quifflandish and Loservillian armies!!" Sir Erik exclaimed hiding behind Kelsey Peanut. "I'll fight them!" General Adam said popping up out of nowhere. And he did he fought and defeated both the armies singlehandedly and then he got married to Michael the walrus. Everyone ended up happy. Abby and sir Austin got married. Juli and Sir Erik got married. Kelsey Yo-yo found a cute tabby cat. Leah, Britney and Kelsey Peanut lived together until they died. Trinity became a party animal. Hannah became queen when Queen Marina died. And the enchantress Madison? She melted.


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⏰ Last updated: May 11, 2013 ⏰

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