Beauty (May 15, 2013)

33 3 9

"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder"

but is it

I could never have seen a person

and still call them beautiful

Could I? Should I?

Well, let me prove it

Of cource, I'm a guy

so this is for girls, but anyway...


Long hair is beauty

that perfect length past your chin

that only helps to compliment your body

Short hair is beauty

Whether it wraps around your face or 

is tied up in a bun or pony tail

I love your wavy hair

I love your curly hair

I love your hair's luster

I love your hair's vibrance


Your eyes are like an endless ocean

of which I want to swim in for eternity

Your eyes are brown like a world

that I wan't to be a part of

Your eyes are like the forest 

which draws me into a mysterious canopy

Your eyes are a fiery red 

like my heart which wants your love


Large and plump

Thin and frail

Red and vibrant

Purple and dark

all are beautiful

So, now lets think about this again

I just complimented every girl who reads this,

and to be truthful I think you beautiful

I havn't met you or know you,

but in my mind you are beautiful

until proven otherwise

and only an ugly personality

can kill the beauty in a person

So, now lets think again

is beauty in the eye of the beholder?

Or better yet is it in the mind of the thinker

Beauty is what you make it to be

and beauty is what you want it to be.

-Author's Note: Kinda felt weird writing this, but hey I never said I was a romantic person. I just felt bored and decided to write about beauty. So, stay beautiful and I hope you liked the poem. Also, if you feel there is a specific topic you want me to discuss the next time i'm bored, go ahead and comment on one of my poems...or inbox, but I don't read inbox all too much. lol XP

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