Fear (May 24, 2013)

18 1 0

I've thought about fear once

That feeling you get when your scared

when your lost and don't know what to do

when you know what to do

but your frozen


Powerful and Weak

all at the same time

but what does that mean

I don't know

so I think

I've been afraid before

everyone has

to me it's more about heights

that feeling when your helpless

to the circumstances

Then I think about spiders

then fear is

that feeling when your hiding

from a beast about to attack


Violent and Peaceful

but what does that mean

i don't know

so i think

Of course fear doesn't always go with death

it could be a room

that feeling when the walls are closing in

it could be people

that feeling when you hate to be with others

it could be love

that feeling when you can't say those words

I like you

I love you


It's always there

Haunting and Calming

but what does that mean

I know what it means

so I answer


It's Powerful

as it can make you scared

It's Weak

as it can't take your knowledge

It's Violent

as it wants to strike you

It's Peaceful

as it sits there waiting for you to fall

It's Haunting

as it closes in on you and

as it speaks to you


It is Calming

as it's warm embrace

Freezes your thoughts

leaving you lost in thought

with three words on your mind

I love you

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