Chapter one

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Ash's POV
Moving to a new town would be hard. Really hard especially if your me. My name is Ash. Just Ash my parents thought the name Ashely didn't suit me when I was born so they named me Ash. " Are we almost there yet" I ask " Yeah we'll be there in 10 minutes" My step mom Sarah says. Honestly I love her she's really nice and she gets me " Ash are you excited to start a new school in America" My dad asked " No not really. Couldn't we just lived in Canada or moved to Jamaica. That's where most of our family is" my younger brother Anthony says as he looks out the window. "Well it's my jobs fault not mine" he says. Minutes pass nobody spoke it was dead silence " We are here people" Sarah says and we get out of the stuffy car. " Sarah and I got the boxes you kids go choose your rooms" my dad says I look at Anthony and lightly push him and to the front door with the keys. I unlock the door and run in. The house was fully furnished and the stairs spiralled up. This house was amazing I ran up the stairs and into a large room with a walk in closet " No fair! I wanted this room" Anthony says and walks across the hall into the other room. "Hey new neighbour" A voice shouts "  Uh who said that" I say "Look out your window" the voice says and I do what the voice says and look out my window . Our house was extremely close to our neighbours house so it didn't surprise me when a boy my age saw me. He was sitting on his desk and had his feet hanging out of his window. " Hi I'm Mitchell Hughes. But call me Mitch" he says and sticks his hand out the window. I stick my hand out the window slowly and shake his hand. "The names Ash briar" I say and pull my hand back " is ash short for anything" he asks " nope" I respond smiling. " So what school are you attending" he says breaking the silence " West Coast high" I say. " Noway. I go there." He says full of excitement. "Well we can only hope that we're in the same class" I say. "Totally. But I got to warn you about this one guy. Named Preston. But sometimes people call him frags" he states and pauses " Okay why are you warning me about him" I ask. "Well he's really two faced like sometimes he's sweet and charming. Other times he Mean merciless, and a major douchebag. And when he like that people call him Frags"he says and looks down. " Has he ever done something to you" I ask he shifts uncomfortably and clears his throat " uh well he slammed me into a wall and his friends grab me and forced me to watch as he beat my best friend Jerome" he whispers " oh. God. Should I be afraid" I ask " yes very afraid" he states " Mitch food is ready" a voice calls " well I gotta go get some grub. How about we walk to school together tomorrow" he says and starts getting " Sure! Bye Mitch" I say " Bye dood" he says and exits his bedroom. I grab my suitcase and start unpacking.
Ring ring ugh I hate time zones if I was in Canada I would still probably be sleeping. I roll out of my bed literally and throw on my fresh prince of bell air shirt and a pair of black skinny jeans. I walk over to my vanity and brush my blonde and blue hair. Which takes two minutes cause I have a pixie cut. I run downstairs and see the rest of my family is eating breakfast " Hi! Bye" I shout and grab a apple and race out the door. " Morning sunshine" a familiar voice says and low and behold there's Mitch standing on his porch with his checkered hoodie wrapped around his waist. " Lez go" he says and we start walking " are you excited" he asks I look at him giving him my best ' what do you think' look. "I'm taking that as a no." He says we walk by a really big house I look at it until a boy with chestnut hair comes out of it and I look away. "Hey Mitch" a voice says causing Mitch to freeze dead in his tracks " hello Preston" he says. This guy doesn't seem like someone who would beat people up. " Don't worry he's in Preston mode" Mitch whisper quietly enough so Preston wouldn't here us. Preston runs by us and that's when I finally realise we were in the parking lot of the school.
Ring ring ring
Honestly I hate bells and alarms. " Do you have your schedule" Mitch asks " yeah. And my locker code" I say and show Mitch my schedule. " We only got lunch together" he says " Well see you at lunch then" I say and run off to my home room class. I walk down the halls and see it room 307 A.K.A my home room class I walk in and the teacher there stands up " Class this is our new student Ashely" the teacher says " oh um ms. My names literally just ash" I say " well literally just ash Preston will be showing you around the school today" the teacher says her voice full of sarcasm. Preston waves at me and I go sit in the empty desk beside him and the teacher just plays with her phone not seeing a student sneak in and sit in a desk. " Hi I'm Preston you were walking with Mitch right?" Preston asks " yeah" I say " Ash is a pretty name you know. A pretty name for a pretty girl" he says trying to flirt with me. " Thanks Preston" I whisper " so where are you from" he asks " Canada" I say and start tapping the desk " Whoever is tapping there desk would you stop" the teacher shouts. I stop and look down " what's your background" he asks " my background is Jamaican and Australian" I say smiling " cool I'm just American I think. I haven't really asked my family what my background" he says shrugging his shoulders.
Ring ring
We all get up and leave the class " so I'm assuming you have science" he says " no I have trigonometry" I say " oh dang isn't that like a grade twelve class you must be really good at math." He says full of shock " yeah I guess" I whisper blushing a bit " well we're here see you after the class" he says and starts walking to his class. I walk in and sit down the teacher starts talking and I  start taking notes about everything he says that would probably help me with this class. It seems like I'm only there for five minutes but yet again the bell rings. The teacher says 'no homework today' blah blah blah. And we leave I see Preston waiting at the door for me " hey what class do you have" he asks as we starts walking " English. You?" I State as we stop at our lockers to grab our textbooks "same. You'll love our teacher By the way" he says and we start walking yet again. When we get there we sit beside it each other and our teacher LITERALLY JUST TALKED ABOUT THE DAMN RULES AND WE COULDN'T ASK ANY QUESTIONS AT ALL! I hate her already finally the bell rings and finally it's lunch time. "So I'm assuming you're sitting with Mitch" Preston says " you assumed right" I say smirking a bit. "We'll see you after lunch" he says. We walk away from each and I go sit with Mitch and his friends. "Hey new girl" Mitch says " making me laugh " hey Mitch and others" I say and sit down. " Hey I'm Jerome and that's Lachlan" one guy says and points to a tall freakishly handsome blonde. " hi I'm Louise " a girl with blondish brownish hair  girl says " hi I'm ashely" a girl says."hi my name is Ash" I say "That your real name or is it short for something" Ashely asks " nope. It's just Ash" I say. " Hey I need to go to the bathroom I'll be right back" I say to them. " Ashely go with her just in case" Mitch says smirking. Ashely gets up and we walk to the bathroom we turn a corner where we see a freshman lying unconscious " Oh. My. God" Ashely says and steps back. " Come on let's go" Ashely says and we run off to the upstairs washrooms.
Ring ring
The bell rings and Ashely walks me to the my next class. And I see Preston walk in he looked angry but I ignored that. The class  was a blur cause I can't stop thinking of Preston and what I witnessed. Finally the day was over and Mitch walked me home " you hear that rumour about Preston.He beat up a freshman apparently. Why am I not surprised " he says laughing. I nod my head laughing a bit " well we're hear. Bye dood" Mitch says and walks to his.
Preston would never do that he's to nice.
Thank you so much agirlwhofans for letting me use her idea for this book. And since it's a new book here are three shout outs
1 agirlwhofans
2. wyvern0
3. SkytheKud

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