Black Eyes and Red Lips (part 2) (Dean x Demon!Reader)

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Driving was suppose to be easy, peaceful. But in Dean's condition, everything was a challenge. Sam told him, "You shouldn't be driving." Dean only grunted, pushing his little brothers advice away. It was Dean's choice, not Sam's.

Dean slowly started his Baby up, smiling slightly was she purrs and he drove down the one way street, trying to focus on something else- anything else but you.

The sunlight was hard on his Dean's small pupils, causing him to squint, making the road a thin black line. Dean's knuckles started turn white, gripping the wheel so hard, focusing too hard on the thin black in front of him. Dean's mind was full of lust, it was overwhelming, he could barely think without imagining you bent over a table and your cute little panties to your ankles, showing off that firm and sweet a-!

Stupid fucking demon, he growled slightly. What did you do to me?

Dean had such lustful dreams- nightmares, about you. Your intense moaning in his ear, your full and tender breast pressed against his chest, his hands squeezing that pretty little your throat of yours as he fucks you, hard. These vivid and realistic nightmares left him in disgust and unbelievably horny.

Dean pulled over, the lonesome road inviting, and his Baby purring slightly until he cut the engine off. Dean placed his stuffy head against the window, his eyelids drooping over his sensitive eyes.

Dean felt himself slip into a comfortable mind set until the lusting desires and burning hot passionate images flooded his mine, making him whimper slightly, feeling a hot chill run down his spine and his pants tightened.

"Oh baby, you're so fifthly."

Dean nearly screamed in anger when he felt your presences next to him, so close. Dean opened his eyes, staring at the beautiful golden wheat flowing against the calm breeze. "Why can't you just leave me the fuck alone," His jawline tensed up, his nostrils flared. "You're a fucking sickness."

"But you love it," You chuckled, placing your thin fingertips against his strong jawline, tracing it to his chin, gripping it and turning his face towards yours. "Don't deny it Dean."

"I don't love it." Dean growled slightly when your soft lips pressed against the corners of his mouth.

You moved your lips to his tense and freckled cheek, only making him flinch but not turn away. "Dean," You whispered, your hot breathe awaking his skin. "Don't lie to me."

Dean growled, aloud. "What the hell do you want from me?"

"To fuck me." You almost moaned, at the thought. Dean Winchester fucking you hard and slow. God, having his rough hands around your throat and other one in your hair, tugging on it as he pounds you, deep and rough. Who wouldn't want that?

"Find someone else to fuck you." Dean hissed as your lips ghosted over his earlobe, sending his senses into overdrive, just like that day in the hospital.

You giggled slightly, moving yourself into his lap, earning a rumbling dark growl form him, sexy. But to make the tension higher, you moved one of your hands down his solid chest, and your lips inches from him, teasing. "Does this upset you baby?" Your eyes slowly drenching into a thick black ink, Dean nearly licked his lips at the strangely alluring sight.

"Very." Dean sneered.

"Then do something about it." You grinned when you saw his mossy eyes fill with intense lust.

Dean felt angered bubble up within him, your seduction was driving him crazy, your little touches were breaking him, you were killing him. But Dean was aroused by it.

Dean raised his left hand and slapped you, hard. Feeling somewhat relief, to punish you for those fifthly and lustful things you've infected into his mind, you dirty little demon.

You grinned, the pain bloomed across your cheek and a fire enlightened in your stomach. "Hit me harder baby."

Dean slapped you once more, gritting his teeth when you moaned his name and bucked your hips against his. "You're fucking sick." He muttered, the disgust was drowning his normal deep tone.

"C'mon baby, hit me." Your cheek was growing hot, as was your abdomen. Your fingers dug into his chest, feeling his heartbeat, pulsing quickly.

Dean slapped you, again. Feeling so powerful, so controlling over you. Dean felt a rush of pure adrenaline coursing through him, his pupils widen with lust, staring at your breathless expression. Your cheek bright pink, your inky black eyes daring him through your long lashes, your crimson red lips in the shape of an 'O' and the way you pushed your chest against him, your back curved and dipped. Breathtaking.

"You stupid little demon." Dean spatted, grabbing a fistful of your long hair and tightening his fingers around the strands. "You're fucking sinful. Disgusting."

You moaned, "Fuck, Dean." Feeling so alive, and on fire, you smiled and scratched your nails down his chest, tearing the shirt and some layers of skin. "I said, fucking hit me, baby."

Dean didn't need to be told twice, he smacked you, harder than anytime before, making your face turn the other way and blood trickled down your nostrils.

Dean felt his pulse quicken more, yanking your head back in his direction, his upper lip twitching, overruled with lust, angered, and of course, hatred. Dean growled and muttered in your ear, "You're gonna regret fucking with me, bitch."

You only smiled and felt a shiver of pleasure shoot through you, and moaned in his ear, "Oh fuck me Dean." You bit his earlobe, almost tearing it as he yanked your head back, tilting your throat against him.

Dean pulled on your hair, trigger a dirty moan from you, he leaned down, against your throat and he rumbled, "I'll fuck you soon enough, bitch." Then his teeth sinking into your soft throat, making your dig your nails into his chest harder and cry out his name.

"That's right, fucking scream my name."


(part 3 maybe?) (and dat was prutty hawt.)

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