The warm morning air had slowly awakened Dean, from his dreamless slumber, he turned to left side, facing the bleak wall. Dean didn't want to rise out of his bed. It'd had only been three weeks since you've become one with the stars.
Dean forced himself sit up, his drained and weary eyes looked into the motionless abyss. Dean could still feel your hand on his shoulder, gently squeezing it. The haunting of your smile made him flinch, the way your eyes sparkled in amusement. The sweet laughter that breathlessly left your lips, the way you would chuckle at Sam's or his own smart-ass comments. It all haunted Dean, it killed him, everyday and night.
The pain in his heart hollowed him whole, making him feel empty. Incomplete. Dean begged for himself not to dread over you, but how could he not?
That letter, that day, all so gray and bleak. Dean remembers, everything.
Dear Dean,
Hello, my darling. Wondering why a letter is among you, this is a goodbye letter. Don't scream in anger or cry Dean, I'm perfectly fine, now. For years and years I've struggled with a silent dark cloud over my head. No matter what I did, nothing seemed to work.
Dean couldn't the voice to scream, the pressure and ache forced its way down his throat, and he couldn't find the voice to let it out. It feels like he's being suffocated with thorns. His body began to feel heavier, his mind numbly continued to read,
But as your sweet mossy eyes read over this, I've been accepted in God's loving embrace, I can already tell it's warm and loving. Like the elders say.
But, my love-
My love?
Dean's glossy eyes reread the first two words once more, feeling his achy heart crack. Dean couldn't believe it, how blind he was. All the late night talks, the long hugs, the way you would gaze upon him. You love him. You loved him.
Feeling the hot tears drip down his cheeks like candle wax, he forced himself to read your lethal letter. With the reminder deep within him- he loved you too.
-please do not mourn over me, do not throw yourself into the whiskey bottle. Dean, you're the bravest and sweetest man I've ever met, do not let my petty death blind you. You mean a lot to everyone around you, including me.
Goodbye my almost lover, Y/N Y/L/N
Almost. That word felt like a bullet. Almost.
Dean felt the world slowly cave in around him, the longing for your smile, laugh, and touch nearly killed him. The lonesome nights, the brutal days is all too much without you. His almost lover.
(I know, I know, short and sad, sowwy!)

Supernatural ONESHOTS
Short Story(OPEN FOR REQUEST *rings bell angrily* RING-A DING-DING MOTHERTUCKERS!) (I do NOT own Supernatural or you, this is just pure fandom and fanmade bullhonky I write for ya'll.) And I'll take anything, from smut to fluff to depression(I do not encourag...