Chapter 1: Strange

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  • Dedicated to Laina Louis Two-gud

1st story to write so plz be nice :P!

CHAPTER 1: Strange

I have over 4,000 songs and I still can't find a decent thing to listen to! Don't feel like listening to 2Pac, Snow Patrol, Marilyn Manson or Slipknot. OOOO! Got a song by Kerli. I think I'll listen to Army of Love, Love Is Dead and Fragile.

Is she still rambling on about winning against Fleming! I mean I know where rivals but we're so much better than them. We're finally here! Thank the lord. If he even exist.

Jump ball come on Siggie your like 5'9 get the damn ball! Yes!

"Tre! Pass me the ball!" I yelled and then I was gone. Made a layup yay 2 points for us. Wave a flag...I have got to stop talking to myself. Inbound to a new girl I've never seen her before. Damn! She's fast and still got a good hold on her dribbling. Awww fuck I got to defend this girl. I'm a great defense of girl, best one on the team but it was difficult to keep up with this girl. She did this amazing fake but I caught. I thought she was going to switch but she did a fake that way and zoomed the other way. Damn she's good!

"Majesty! what the hell are you doing?!" I heard Coach Holterman yelling all the way over here.

As I hung my head up high and in the last quarter with 2 minutes left. I was tired because we switched to man and it was my job to keep #10 from bulldozing the rest of my team over. The game was close 30-32 with Fleming in favour. Yes! Got the ball ran and made a 3 pointer. They inbound and #10 came in with a 3 pointer also. A minute left on the clock and it was PH's ball (Patrick Henry my team). As I was running she stole the ball from Jess and made another 3 pointer right before the buzzer.

We all walked over and shaked hands with the other team saying good game. I knew what was coming Holterman is going to be ready to start screaming as us. And of course I was right.

"Majesty! Where the hell was your head today?! I told you keep up with her! You had her what happened?!" She yelled.

I took out my ear bud and said "I don't know she came out of no where. It's not just my fault no one was open!"

I just left and started walking over to my mom as Holterman finished yelling at me.

"Good game sweetie!"

"Thanks mom. Where's dad and Aaron? He took him out to the car he was beginning to get hyper again."

"Let's get some pizza. I'm starving!"

"Ok hun."

As I walked to my SUV the new girl Breona asked for a ride home of course. It took me a god 15 minutes to drive her home before I went speeding away towards the food. Finally got there.

"Hey! What took you so long Maj?" Air asked me.

"I had to drop off one of my teammates at her house real quick."

"Did you know that girl's family is over there.? I talked to her mother at the game she's really sweet, invite her over here to eat with us." Mom said this of course.

"Really? Since I'm an angel i will do it."

My parents bust out laughing.

"Angel?" My dad asked. I gave them a playful glare and walked over there.

I noticed her sitting there with her little brother and an older girl but she was kind of short.

"Hey my mom wanted to know if you wanted to come over and eat with us."

They all just stared until the mother spoke. "I would love to join you and your family."

We all just walked over there. Then the mother realized who it was.

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