Chapter 1

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Hi this is my first book. I'm new at this so don't make fun of me or I will hunt you down and hurt you. Just kidding,but seriously don't make fun of me it's my first story and please correct me if I spell something wrong. ENJOY!!!!!!!!!!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!!!!! Hope you like it.

~~~~Chapter 1~~~~

Marceline was playing her axe bass one morning when Finn called. She sighed got up to go answer it when Finn kicks Marceline's door open." What the heck Finn ", she said ,"you just kicked my door down and called me for no reason".Finn interrupted her," No time to explain Marceline we got to go!"


When Marceline seen that they were heading for the Candy Kingdom she grabed Finn's arm and pulled him the opposite direction. "What are you doing Marceline? Were supposed to be going to the Candy Kingdom." Finn said as he tried as he struggled to get out of Marceline's grip. "There is NO way Finn I am going to the Candy Kingdom.", she said," And there is no way you can stop me. "Princess Bubblegum has a new invention. ,"Finn says with a smirk."REALLY,Marceline squeals like a child." I mean umm thats pretty cool what ever.,"she says. " Yah okay Marcie what ever you say "., Finn laughs. " SHUT UP FINN !!!!!! ", Marceline hisses.


" Hello Finn hello Marceline.",PB greets. " Hey." Finn says exitedlly. " Hello Bonnie. ", Marceline smirks. " Please don't call me that anyways, Finn, Marceline I have a seat for the both of you in the front next to Jake and Lady .", Bubblegum says. " Thanks PB".,Finn says as he heres Jake screaming his name"., "Well you beter get to your seats cause I'm suppose to be talking about my invention any second".,"Bubblegum said." You got it PB ".,Finn awnsers. Marceline and Finn walk over to there seats and sit down." Hey Jake hey Lady"., Finn says . " Whats up Finn, what took you so long "., Jake says with mysterious look on his face. " Oh I took long 'cause Marceline was refusing to come.'', exclaimed Finn. "Oh ok. I don't now what to say to that. ", Jake said weidly as he gets interupted by Pepermint Buttler talkin into the microphone. " Testing 1,2,3 testing 1,2,3, Princess its ready. ", Pepermint Buttler said to Bubblegum. "Ok ,thank you Pepermint Buttler. ", Bubblegum said. " Hello everyone, today I will be sharing my new i vention that leads into another dimention but this may burn your eyes out so I'm having Pepermint Butler pass out some glasses, anyways back to my invention its a portal that leads to another demention, so everyone get your glasses on i will be starting the the invention any second. ",Bubblegum says. " Everyone count down from 10 to 1 now. PB orders, everyone counts 10,9,8,7,6,5,4 ,3,2,1."


Marcelines POV ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

All I remeber is counting then right when we get to 1 every one is running out of the Candy Kindom when I see Bonnie get sucked into the portal and seeing things get sucked in, chairs flying every where. Then I see Jake and Lady get sucked in then I here cries and crashes. I here Lady and Jake crying for help but next thing I now I've been swept off my feet and ( NO Marceline is not making her self flout. ) and get sucked in. Last thing I saw was Finn get sucked into the portal and last thing I herd was the cries for help from Finn. After that every thing went black.


so how'd you like it for a first chapter its my first book so don't make fun of me.

BYE :3

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