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The cold breeze stung against my skin, threatening to rip off my thin jacket. I pull it a little tighter, turning up my music another notch. I can still hear them mocking me from behind. Oh, Phil, you poor little fag. Poor Philly needs his boyfriend to save the day. It bothered me to start, but I'm so used to it now, I can barely even register it.

Well, I could, until a hand gripped around my arm, yanking me back as I stumble in reverse. I pull my arm back and turn around, scowling at the face of Griffin Wood, possibly the biggest shit the world has ever seen. Him and his other co. shits. "Griffin," I mumble a sour hello before turning on my heel. "Hey! Faggot! Slow down."

Clearly I do the opposite, rolling my eyes and picking up speed, to which they follow. "We don't wanna hurt you, Phil, we just wanna talk."

"Lying!" I say back, almost singing. The footsteps come closer, almost pounding on the ground. "Shit." I mumble, trying to pace faster. "C'mon Phil! I promise I won't be harsh." Biting my lip, I break into a sprint, hoping I can be fast enough to outrun them.

The likeliness of this is about 1:1,00 , but 1 is better than none. Besides, running away from the best junior track and field champ in London, how hard could it be?

Answer: very. I didn't even realise how slow I was until I could hear him whispering behind me. I force myself to go fast, running round the corner into the-

Ouch! An arm yanks be between two buildings, and I watch as Griffin and the others run past, oblivious to what had happened. I calm a bit, taking deeper breaths before I turn to see who saved me.

And they were absolutely gorgeous. A boy who looked about my age, with messy fringe that curled up from all the rain. Deep russet brown eyes and tan skin, smirking at me slyly. "Hello there." he whispers, breath smelling like mint.

"Uh.. h-hey." I stutter, suddenly realising what a small space we were crammed into, how I could feel his heat against me, hear his slow breathing against my quick, short gasps for air. I reach into my bag and pull out my inhaler, thankful that I brought it. "Well," he says quietly. "This is comfy."

I put my head down, turning my eyes away, "I really should get going," I say quietly, trying to squeeze my way out. "No, don't go." he says, catching his hand in mine. "I want to hear your story." he says, squeezing my hand. "Why's it that kid's chasing you? What's your name?" His eyes look warm and inviting but I can't trust it. I let go of his hand and watch the light fade from his eyes. "I'm Phil." I mumble, pushing my way out of the building.

He follows, to my dismay. I walk away, not wanting another chase. "I really need to get home." He speeds up till he's walking next to me, "Where do you live? I'll walk you there in case those idiots come back. Pretty boy like you shouldn't be walking around town this late at night." I feel the heat rising in my cheeks as I try to force down a blush. "I can handle myself." I say quietly, shivering a little. He slips an arm around my shoulder casually, as if he did this everyday. "You should really get a warmer jacket, Phil."

I say nothing, holding my jaw tight with widened eyes as I walked with this stranger. This beautiful, beautiful stranger. Oddly enough, he was quite warm, and I felt myself sinking into his embrace. "The kid, Griffin's his name." He smiles at me, nodding, "What's he got against you? You're perfectly gorgeous." I laugh lightly, "My thoughts exactly. But, no. We used to be friends, actually. Best friends. His mom sent him to catholic school for a year, which did neither of us any good. As it was the year I came out. Little shit had been brainwashed by some woman who wasn't even supposed to be his teacher. Turns out she faked her teaching degree and her nun qualifications or whatever- just someone trying to get bad idea's into kids heads. And it worked great on Griffin."

He was still looking at me, a small smile creeping up his face. He sighs quietly, and I wonder what he's thinking. Is it about me? Is he thinking about Griffin? Maybe he doesn't even care, maybe he's just some pedophile trying to gain my trust. Shit, maybe he's a pedophile trying to gain my trust. What if he- "So, um... where exactly are we walking to?" his sweet voice interrupted my thoughts momentarily. "Actually," I murmur, looking around at where we're at. I'm right here. It was a small apartment building made completely out of brick, not my house, but my friend Felicity lived here, and surly I could make an easy escape without letting him know I was an orphan.

He walks me straight to the front door, facing me and smiling. I look nervously as he leans in, whispering in my ear. "You have very pretty eyes." I stammer a small thank you and he kisses my cheek lightly. "I don't even know your name." I say as he turns. He looks at me quickly with a wide grin. "Dan." He nods and waves before walking away.

hello everyone! this is my first official phanfiction so hopefully it wasn't too bad. ik people will argue that phil doesn't swear and crap but this is an au so it doesn't really matter and i don't care. i really hope you enjoy this, as i know i will enjoy writing it :)

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