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I held my breath when i entered, rushing past the door of the people Felix called, "Inverse Savvy Smokers," and half sprinted up the stairs to her apartment. The door, as always unlocked. Felix had lived here with her grandmother for 10 years now, them having moved in when she was seven. Felix is a very pretty girl. She was born with two different coloured eyes, one a light grayish silver, the other emerald green. And her hair was dyed a light pastel pink colour, her favourite. "Felix!" I call to her, "Phillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll!!" she squeals back. "Help me!" I rush to her room, expecting her to be hurt, something to be wrong, but all i walk into is her surrounded by dozens of shoes, sitting on the floor with her legs crisscrossed. She sighs exasperated. "I'm going to Jasper's party tonight, and I want to look nice because I really like him but I can't choose what shoes to wear!"

Typical Felix. "Fee, you already know Jasper likes you. You don't have to dress up for a guy." She rolls her eyes, "Women don't have to dress up for guys to impress them, you're perfectly right. However you can't tell me I'm wrong, because a woman also has every right to try and impress whomever they want however they want." She's right. Again. She's always right. "Anyway," she says, standing up and putting her hair in a ponytail as she speaks. "What took you so long to get home?" I turn my eyes away, lazily looking at the photos on her desk, "Oh, nothing, just, ran into someone." When I turn back round, Felix has her arms crossed, frowning at me. "Griffin..." she says through gritted teeth. "That bOY I SWEAR TO GOD I'M GOING TO KILL HIM IF HE DOESN'T LEAVE YOU ALONE." A laugh a little, "Felix, really, it's okay, um, someone...." Saved me? I couldn't say that. It wasn't so much of a rescue mission as it was an accident. "Someone helped." I can feel the heat rising to my cheeks and by the look on her face I knew I was blushing. She squeals and jumps. "What's his name?!" A smile at her, "Okay, first off, I don't like him. Second, how do you know it isn't a girl? And third, Dan." She skips around a bit, mocking me slightly , "First off, yes you do. Second, that's a fair point. And third, I ship it. I ship phan." I groan. She was always doing things like this. "Can we please just change the subject?" She nods a little.

"Sure. Are you coming to the party tonight?" A laugh a little. "Me? At a party? Do you even know who I am?" 

"Phil, you have to come. Over half the school is going to be there!" She says this like it's an exciting thing, and picks up a pair of black creepers. "That's the exact reason I'm not going, Felix." She rolls her eyes, walking around and putting all the shoes away, "Okay, I'll tell ya what, you go out to the family room and chill with Gran while I get ready. You're coming to this party. Oh, and I'll find out if this Dan kid is going." 

"Doesn't sound like changing the subject." I chime, but oblige none the less. Felix's Grandma was a perfectly nice old woman. No more that 85 years old, she was short but with long hair, like Felix's. She was very easy going, and accepts almost anyone into her home. She even calls me her Grandson. I'm at her home so often, I can't see why not. She always says how she'd love to adopt me, but she hasn't got the money. It's fine. She's still family to me. They both are.

"Hey, Gran." I saw. She's sat on the couch with her favorite show on, sipping an ice water. "Phillip!" She says with enthusiasm, getting up and rushing over to hug me. "How are you?" I smile at her and help her walk back to the couch. "I'm great. How are you." She takes a slow seat down and I sit next to her. "I'm wonderful." We sit and talk like this for what seems like hours before Felix walks out. She had put her hair back down and curled it. Her makeup was down perfectly (as usual) and her knit beanie almost matched the shade of her hair. She was wearing a black skirt and a black leather jacket, along with the creepers she'd picked out earlier. She. Looked. Stunning. Even with the knee socks that were (clearly) not appropriate for a 17 year old girl to be wearing, but still. If i weren't gay I would probably be crushing on her. "Oh, sweetie." Gran says, smiling, "That Jasper is one lucky boy!" She smiles and blushes, "Thanks Gran."

I stand up, walking over to her. Felix turns to me, "We have GOT to do something about this." She's says, gesturing my worn down jacket and jeans. "I'm literally broke, Felix." She tilts her head to the side, smiling. "You know who isn't?" oh no. here it comes. "Jasper!" 

<<<<<<Jasper's house. Phil's POV>>>>>>>>

Luckily, Gran let us use her car, and Jasper didn't live too far away. But Felix was right. Jasper had a fuck ton of money. Hell, his house was three times the size the one my mum and dad owned before, well, you know. They even have one of those little surveillance camera thingys with the little speaker where you talk to their butler. Literally it's insane. Felix presses the button. "Hi Frank!" she says. Frank, the butler, I presume, gives a short hello before buzzing us into the home. "Jasper!" Felix calls. It doesn't take long for him to come, dressed in skinny jeans and converse, his hair in a quiff. "Felicity," he says, grinning widely. He picks her up and twirls her. When he sets her down, he turns to me. "Hey, Phil." Jasper was a nice guy, really. Not to mention attractive. Blonde hair and emerald green eyes, super defined cheekbones, this kid is the real deal. But as far as I knew the only human he's ever been interested in was Felix. Bummer for me, really. He's hot.

Felix gets up on her tiptoes and whispers into Jasper ear, Jasper eyeing me- well, my clothes- the whole time. He nods his head and smiles. "Let me show you upstairs." We both follow him, Felix looking far more eccentric than I'd thought. And the stairs. Holy crap there were a lot of stairs. Its worse than phys ed. I honestly considered asking someone to carry me up. But they were beautiful. Spiraling up and up for miles. Shiny hardwood and long golden hand rails.

By the time we'd reached the top, my forehead had a line of sweat against it. I feel Jasper pat my shoulder, "You made it." he said with a laugh. I half smile before my jaw drops at the sight in front of me. Rows and Rows of different coloured shirts, suits, pants, shoes, everything and anything you can wear. Hats, sunglasses, there was even an ice machine and water. Literally I could not have asked for more. "Just, uh, find something you like." He says. Felix squeals and grabs my arm, dragging me into the deep abyss of clothing. 


It felt like hours before Felix and I could decide on something we'd both agreed on. A simple black and blue plaid shirt, black skinny jeans, and a pair of white converse. She'd also found these shades that looked like they were from men in black, and wanted me to wear a beanie, but that was not going to happen. I walked out with my arms full of the clothes we'd chosen, and Jasper directed me to a bathroom where I changed. I looked at myself in the mirror. God. I really hoped Dan wouldn't come to this party, to see me like this. Even with the fancy clothes underneath I was still, me. Boring, ugly, faggot Phil. And nothing seemed to get better.

When I come back out, Jasper has a wide grin on his face. "So," he says with a smirk, "Dan, huh?" Felix giggles and I bury my face in my hands, ignoring the urge to blush. "Felix," I groan. Jasper laughs and shakes his head, "Phil, really, it's fine. And yes I know Dan, and yes, he is coming." I feel a small smile creep up on my face. "I'm gonna see Dan tonight?" I ask, looking up at Felix. She nods, smiling and looking even happier than my normal happy Felix. "And you're gonna look great going it." She pulls me in front of the mirror. At second glance, maybe I did look pretty great.

very quick (a/n) i'm not sure how i feel about this chapter like there's something missing? it was sort of a filler. i did want to introduce jasper so everyone knows he isnt a total douchebag and him and phil are okay friends. also that pic at the top is my vision of felix. until next time..........- ara

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