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The party at Jasper's was huge. It seemed as though crowds of people were filled within each room. After a few minutes of searching for Dan, Felix had gotten bored and went to talk with people. I however have been going for hours, with no luck. I've climbed five new sets of stairs, and even found a small room containing an old looking cat which hissed and clearly wanted no company. I'd just about given up. Outside by the pool I spot an empty chair amongst couples dancing and swimming. I'd snaked my way through the crowd, accidentally knocking a girl into the pool by accident. It was as if the crowd was getting bigger by the second, and I found myself inching closer and closer to the edge of the water every step.

"Crap." I whisper as I see a very large man stepping backwards toward me. The contact was squishy and uncomfortable, like being slapped with a bag of jelly, which doesn't sound that bad, except this is sweaty jelly which smelt like old socks. I feel myself falling backwards when a familiar hand creeps around mine and I'm pulled back up.

I cough and lift my head up. Dan. Beautiful, beautiful Dan. "We have got to stop meeting like this," He laughs. I laugh, too, as he lets go of my hand. We stood for a moment, just looking at each other, before his body was pushed against mine by the crowd, the two of us falling into the pool together. The only problem is, I don't know how to swim, let alone in clothes. Black starts to fill my vision and I struggle to stay afloat. This is drowning? What? I mean, I've never exactly drown before, so what the hell am I supposed to do.The only logical thing is to hold my breath. So I do. I squeeze my eyes shut and I hold my breath. And I count. 1....Dan will save me...2... Dan always saves me...3... I'm gonna live...  but the pressure keeps closing in on me, even when I open my eyes its fuzzy, I feel useless, I can''t even pull myself above water. By 15 my lungs start to kill. I'm either going to die holding my breath, or die breathing water in. My eyes feel like they're bulging out of my head, and I gasp, sucking water into my lungs. Panic sets in. I've lost count, but its been far too long. Where the hell is Dan?

I try to yell his name but my throat stings. I can feel myself sinking. It's too late. So I give up. I didn't want to die like this. We have to stop meeting like this. Ladies and gentlemen, I believe this is where my story ends.

I know that this was very short but do not fear- it'll pay off. until next time- ara

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2015 ⏰

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