The mirror

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‘I give up!” I said bitterly, throwing down my astronomy star chart.

Ever since school had restarted after the Christmas break we had been given piles upon piles of homework for all subjects. Randal hissed at my outburst and I quickly patted his black scaly head.

The great roaring fire of the Slytherin common room illuminated the fresh shiny ink on my parchment. Marcal and Draco had long since abandoned Snapes essay on moonstones and had gone up to bed. Blaisé had acted like a hero as he pledged to sacrifice his sleep to keep me company. Yeah, the hero now snoring softly on his potions textbook.

I tiptoed over to his sleeping figure and gently took out my parchment from under his head, resisting the urge to draw on a mustache and glasses with ink.

 I was about to turn away and head back to my common room when he stirred feebly in his sleep.

Sighing deeply, I walked over to one of the many green and silver covered walls and ripped off a silken hanging with an embroided serpent on it. I winced as that sound of silk tearing sent tingles up my spine. I really hate that sound!

 Turning back to Blaisé, I saw he had still managed to remain asleep even after the ripping of silk.

I was about to beat him awake with the rolled up material when he rolled over to face me. His cheek was red and flat from being pressed up against the book and he had a really cute smile on his face.

He looked so peaceful in his slumber that I couldn’t possibly just slam it onto his head. Damn, when was I this weak?

I threw the tapestry over his body and gently pried the book from under his flattened cheek. Tiptoeing I grabbed my papers and star charts and was about to head out when a smug voice stopped me. “I knew you had a heart”

I spun round, clutching my chest to see Blaisé smirking from underneath the silver and green silk. “I do?” I asked trying to regain some composure. “You do. You just need to know where to find it”

He sounded smug and I got angry. “I didn’t know you where awake!” his grin got wider.

 “That makes it even sweeter.”

“Sweet…” I repeated narrowing my eyes at Blaisé.

It was strange; I had always enjoyed bringing fear to people. Boys especially, yet he seemed immune to it.

“There’s nothing sweet about me!” I snapped and he raised his eyes still with that stupid grin on his face, only this time with raised eyebrows. Growling, I turned on my heel and stalked out the door my exit ruined not only by my tripping on the rug, but by Blaisé Zabini’s fading sniggers.

I tried to vent my frustration into making myself invisible but I was so angry with myself I was a bit patchy. Damn, I did not need to be caught out of bed at midnight.

On the 7th floor corridor I was just turning a corner when I ran into a wall. “Ooof!” I spluttered landing on my butt. I looked up cursing the damn wall when I saw there was none. I had my wand out in seconds.

“Who’s there?” I called dangerously and was about to start looking for their thoughts when a hand snaked out from behind me and wrapped around my mouth.

Mu Ha ha ha ha !kept ya hangin didn’t i?

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