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[A/N this songs really upbeat and adorable and it just kind of fits with this chapter so, here][p.s I could only find a lyric video, sorry][p.s.s also the song is Undercover Martyn by Two door cinema club]

I was excited to see Mitch again, other than the rare shoulder bump at school or the awful voice mail Mitch would leave (Where he truly had no idea what he was doing...) I hadn't seen him since last Saturday.

Luckily though, Saturday came fast. So did Mitch as he basically tackled me to the ground.

Mitch laughed sitting on my stomach as I huffed out breathless. "Jeez, you're fat", I joked trying to push Mitch off.

Mitch laughed standing up and brushed himself off casually. "Nah, you just have a small lung capacity"

"Come again?", I joked.

Mitch rolled his eyes grabbing my hands and pulled me up on my feet. "Hey, how about we go to the park? My friends want to meet us there. They want to meet you, the mysterious plane sender", Mitch smiled and I blushed, Mitch was gripping my hands tightly

Truly I couldn't be bothered to meet them, being in big groups is not really my thing, but Mitch looked like he would cry if I said no so I said yes anyway.

Mitch smiled and let go of my hands. "Cool!", Mitch began dragging me along to the park.

Mitch was a bit like one of those annoying kids who drags their parents around and I his oddly similarly aged parent.

It was a bit of a walk but soon we came to the familiar place, with it's playground and... Trees.

"There they are", Mitch pointed out a group of boys who were playing on the playground like children. Mitch pulled me towards them and finally let go of my hands.

All of the boys looked at me and smiled other than one who had brown hair, brown eyes and a youngish looking face. He was standing next to the fire mans pole thing. I frowned. What had I done wrong? Am I really such a fuck up that I managed to do something wrong in the first five seconds of meeting this guy?

"Guys, this is Jerome. Jerome this is Lachlan, Vikk, Preston and Rob", Mitch  introduced pointing to the boys as he said their names.

I waved awkwardly as the boys showered me in questions and comments about me.

"Like your jumper", A boy with darker skin and raven hair known as Vikk smiled.

"So you're the famous 'Jeremy'?", Lachlan, a boy with blond hair and an obvious Australia accent smirked. (insert mental cringe)

"You guys seem very close", Rob the boy with stubble smirked. "Are you two like, an item or something?"

The last question made me blush and shake my head. "U-uh no"

Mitch just shrugged the question off and laughed.

The blond haired boy then tugged at Mitch's arm. "Look what we did"

Everyone followed Lachlan as he pulled Mitch along.

Mitch laughed as Lachlan stopped in front of a tree that had something engraved on the trunk. "Nice"

On the tree was all of their names engraved messily in a small font.

"One thing though", Mitch started. "You forgot Jerome's name"

Lachlan handed Mitch a small pocket knife and Mitch kneeled down beginning to carve my name.

"Hey, since it's my name shouldn't I do it?", I questioned. Truly I didn't want my name on this tree.

"You wouldn't have done it. So to make this easier for all of us I just decide to get it over an done with", Mitch smirked looking back at me.

Shit. He knows me too well.

Mitch stood up against passing the pocket knife back to Lachlan. "There, perfect"

I looked at the tree where an awfully carved name was.

It kind of looked like this.



Rob cheered. "Jerome is now officially a member of the pack!"

"W-what? I did not sign up for that", I yelped.

Mr youngish face frowned. "Yeah, why is he allowed to join just like that"

Rob frowned before pulling the boy into a headlock. "Aw, Preston, don't be so cold", Rob laughed and ruffled Preston's hair.

Preston pouted and blushed trying to push Rob's arms off of him.

Vikk jumped on Lachlan's back. "Come on Lachlan, you said you'd push me on the swing, like, ten minutes ago"

"This is normal for them", Mitch informed looking over at me. "All of them just banter about here. So you better get used to it because I think they like you"

I nodded smiling. Not going to lie. It was nice to feel liked.

Vikk yelped out catching our attention. "Higher!", Vikk was on the swing and was being swung up high by Lachlan. "Stop, I can do it by myself now"

Lachlan stepped away laughing as Vikk swung up high before swooping down and then swinging high again using his legs to gain more and more momentum. Vikk yelled out before laughing.

Mitch and I walked over watching Vikk fly up high.

Vikk began to kick his legs and tried to stop the momentum so he could most likely get off.

Once Vikk had stopped Vikk stood up from the swing wobbling a bit before moving out of the way. "Your turn", Vikk smiled to Mitch and allowed Mitch to get on.

Mitch nodded and sat himself down on the swing. He began to lean back and forward to start swinging slowly.

I walked up behind Mitch and pushed Mitch higher. Instantly Mitch smiled brightly and looked over his shoulder to me. "Thanks Jerome! I thought no one was going to end up pushing me"

I smiled. "It's no problem"

Mitch smiled back one more time before turning back around and he continued to swing higher and higher.

Mitch yelled out with a huge smile on his face and as I continued to watch and push Mitch higher I felt all warm and fuzzy inside.

I also realised something,

When I'm with Mitch I smile way more.

[A/N] guess who decided to show up ;3


Btw if you wanna thank someone for this finally getting updated thank the song which I added to this chapter. It kinda gave me 80 percent of my inspiration and stuff :3

Welp bye~

[p.s I have a new book out called F*cking Fish. It's a bit of a late notice but I just didn't want to do a full on A/N chapter cause I know those are annoying]

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