❦Chapter 1 : Unidentified

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Dark alleyways welcomed the lost, aside the dim lamp posts that dotted the streets of England. It was a night of an event, as terror awaits to unfold its fingertips. Stories were told to younger children about the frightening demons of darkness, who take the souls of the innocent as food, on fateful nights like this one. Amidst the abandoned and eerie atmosphere, there walked a small frail figure.

(Y/n) is that girl's name. She has no family to call for, no home to go, and no food to eat, besides some soft bread that the nearby bakery gave to her out of pity. Her clothes are all tattered and worn. At nights like this, it was awfully chilly. She would shiver through the night, but if she was lucky enough to find some thrown out clothes in the dumps, she would sleep in it and find some warmth.

(Y/n) always questioned herself as to why did she kept on living such a life with no one to help her. Everyday, she would contemplate what was her sole purpose in life. She often helped care the elderly sick on the streets more than herself. She gave more of the scraps of food she found to the younger homeless children and would be like the older teen-sister for them. (Y/n) lived a modest selfless poor life, but all that was going to change tonight..

(Y/n) meandered along the quiet cobblestone street with her head hung low. Strangely, the lamp posts began to flicker for a few moments then went back to normal. A soft wind suddenly breezed through the air. Just then, a raven silently landed on a lamp post and keenly stared at (Y/n) walking down the street.

This raven was no ordinary raven. It had strange glowing pink pupils..

(Y/n) halted and turned around, as she sensed that someone was watching and following her from behind.. Only an empty street and closed shops were all her eyes can see. When she turned around again to resume her walk, she was met with a pair of ominous red eyes that belonged to a jetblack-haired man in a butler suit.

(Y/n) stumbled backward and fell on her bottom with an astonished look on her face.

When did that man get there?

The man stepped into the dim light of a lamp post as (Y/n) saw him more clearly now. He had quite devilishly handsome features for a butler. Something about his eyes made (Y/n) feel entranced by them.. The butler-looking man placed a gloved hand on his chest and bowed deeply with a stoic smile, "Hello, little lady.. Why are you out here at midnight? You do know it is dangerous for a girl to walk all by herself at a time like this.."

(Y/n) never really had a full conversation with anyone before. She kept her response at a minimal.

"...I'm going home.." replied (Y/n).

The man raised his eyebrow, "Do you even have a home?"

(Y/n) felt her eyes brim up with tears of pain. She harbored feelings of jealousy whenever she saw other families happy together in their homes when she had no family and no home herself to be happy with.. A place to call home was all she wanted.

The butler man let out a sigh, "Do not cry. It is not good for a pretty face like yours to be stained of tears.."

He wiped (Y/n)'s tears away with his gloved hands as he said that.

His touch was gentle and somewhat warming.. (Y/n) felt an unnerving feeling grow inside of her as this strange man wiped her tears off. Her heart picked up as heat flushed to her cheeks. Here she was with a man of such ethereal charm consoling an inferiority like herself..

"SEBASTIAN!" hollered an angry voice.

A small boy in his early teens with dark blue hair made his way down the street towards the man in the butler suit who stood next to (Y/n). He had a cane and outfit like an earl would wear. His outfit was Victorian styled in a dark navy blue color with tints of black here and there. He wore a top hat that had a blue ribbon tied around it. But, what stood out the most about the little boy was a black eyepatch covered one of his eyes. His other eye was a pretty darker blue hue. He boldly strode towards the man that (Y/n) had met and scoffed, "I ordered you to drive the carriage, not to go about and wander off, Sebastian.."

The man, (Y/n) presumed named Sebastian, bowed deeply and apologized, "My apologies, young master.. I found this little lady is in fact an orphan and is need of food along with care."

The young boy pursed his lips and answered, "...Well, it won't be bad to have another maid at my manor and since there is no one around this time of night who would recognize me.... So be it. I, Ciel Phantomhive, the Queen's WatchDog, officially appoint you as a maid of the Phantomhive Manor. You work for me now."

(Y/n) widened her eyes in shock.

She is now recruited by one of the most youngest and feared earls of England... Ciel Phantomhive. His reputation is popularly known across the country along with his signature Funtom Candy. (I just wanted to add the candy part lolol)

Sebastian mannerly offered his hand out towards (Y/n) and said, "I shall now take you to the young master's carriage to go to the manor, little lady."

(Y/n) couldn't quite touch on what made Sebastian seem so intriguing.. She sensed an odd aura that he gave off. Something was a little.. off about this butler. She hesitantly accepted his hand and was lead to Ciel's black horse-drawn carriage. (Y/n) cautiously entered the carriage and sat down.

Ciel immediately followed right after and sat on the opposite of (Y/n) looking out the window. Sebastian closed the carriage door and went to the driver's seat to take the reins. It was a complete awkward silence between Ciel and (Y/n). (Y/n) did not dare to make eye contact with the young earl - it was rude for a poor commoner to look directly into the eyes of a noble person..

Ciel awkwardly cleared his throat and asked, "So, what is your name?"


Ciel adjusted his hat and stated, "Okay, (Y/n), you will start your cleaning services as a maid tomorrow afternoon. I expect a lot from you."

(Y/n) bowed slightly, "Of course and thank you, young master.."

They soon arrived to the Phantomhive Manor. It was just like how the people in town described; it was like an elegant castle-like mansion. Sebastian got out of the driver's seat and opened the carriage door. Ciel stepped out, while (Y/n) had some help getting down from Sebastian.

Sebastian's lips curved in a small smile and whispered into (Y/n)'s ear, "Now, let's get you washed up, little lady. You must be tired. As a maid you should look presentable and cleansed."

Ciel seemed to glare at his butler for whispering something in (Y/n)'s ear. The earl ordered, "Sebastian, go make us something to eat. See what the others are doing too. They seem to always be causing a mess.. I will also be interrogating with (Y/n) for a bit, and make some earl grey tea while you are at it.."

The butler bowed, "Yes, my lord."

Ciel went inside the manor to his office room with (Y/n) following. Sebastian had left as ordered by Ciel. It was no sooner, as (Y/n) took a seat in front of Ciel's desk, had Sebastian entered with a tray of two cups of freshly brewed earl grey tea that gave off steam in his hands. Ciel rolled his eyes at how fast his butler made the tea and felt perhaps a little envious of how (Y/n) looked at Sebastian with such wonder and awe.

(Y/n) stammered, "H-how?!"

Sebastian winked at (Y/n), as he placed the two cups of tea on Ciel's desk. He answered in a low tone,

"I'm simply one hell of a butler."

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Author Note: I really hope you enjoyed reading this 1st chapter. Excuse me for slow updates :( I'm quite busy. Hopefully some characters do not seem too OOC. I will try my best to update faster and keep on making more chapters for my readers! :) And idk how this story will turn out..there will be multiple endings for you to pick though!

Timeless Tales (BlackButler x Reader) ON HOLD + EDITING Where stories live. Discover now