Getting Married!

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Since its been 4 years since me and Camila have been to together I decided it's time to......propose to her but first I need to get a ring.. I hope I don't fuck it up I hope she doesn't say no! Cant believe I'm crying on the inside!...I went to the store to buy the ring the good thing is she is not home she told me that she is grocery shopping I think....(10 MINUTES LATER) finally I got the ring now it's time to surprise her!
I finally got the groceries I opened the door and saw Shane with a tiny box "Camila I know that we have been together since 2014 and I was wondering if you will marry me?" Shane asked I was so surprised then he bends over on one leg " Yes 100% Yes!" I said then he puts the ring on my finger "I love you!" Shane said "Love you too!" I said while crying "Why are you crying?" Shane said softly "Because I wondering if we are gonna get married soon!" I said while sobbing "please don't cry I feel bad for you when you cry..." Shane said softly as he wiped off the tears running down my cheeks  then Shane kisses me on the cheek

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