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My eyes felt like they were made out of bricks, I tried my best to open them but they wouldn't. I could hear laughing voices and the clashing of objects. But for some reason I couldn't stir myself awake, like my mind was working but my body didn't want to come to life.

After what felt like forever, I willed myself to make a noise. A groan escaped my throat and from just that sound my body began to come alive. I open my eyes and a bright light slips through my eye lids. Im blinded for a moment then my eye sight adjusts to the light. All i see is dark colours from navy to maroon. I make myself sit up and roll my shoulders to get my blood flowing.

I stand up and stretch my limbs. I walk to towards the door when I feel a cool breeze on my skin. I look down and realise that I'm naked. My slightly touching thighs, firm round bottom, curvy waist and D cup breasts all exposed. I try to find something to cover myself with, I eventually find a sheet covering an old couch. I grab it and wrap myself in it, I smooth down my knotty mahogany hair and open the door bracing myself for anything.

I walk out of the room and down the dim lighted hallway, towards the noises of laughter and talking.

I reach my destination and hesitate, scared of what I might find. I reach for the door handle and twist it slowly so I hopefully wouldn't make a noise. I open it a crack and immediately regret it. Suddenly the door was wrenched open and there stood a man, a man who looked like he saw a ghost once his eyes landed upon me. "Tyler!" Was the only thing he said before he disappeared and a shorter, fatter man now stood before me.

"Come", He says and nods his head in an unknown direction. I follow wordlessly, not wanting to make him angry.
He leads me through a few doors until he brings me to a room, half crowded with men, from ages of 17-40.
All men fell into silence once I came into view. I looked down at the dirty dark grey carpet, not wanting to make contact with anyone.
"Tyler, bring the girl forward so I can see her properly" A deep voice instructs the man who led me to this room.
He grabs my arm and pulls me forward, I'm surprised by how gentle he does it. He leeds me through a makeshift path through the men, some ignore my presence and some look at me like I'm fresh meat. I keep my head down besides a few glances to my sides just to check where I was stepping.

We come to a stop and all i see is a pair of muddy black work boots. I creep my eyes up. From those boots join firm longish legs clad in dark denim jeans, than a black wife beater covers a muscular chest with big biceps and tattoos decorated on them, than finally my eyes rests upon his face. His stubble is strikingly alluring, a set of plump lips, soft looking skin, strong angular jaw, sharp nose and piercing blue eyes with a mop of dark blonde hair styled in a crew cut but the longer bits over grown making the already handsome man, look as if he was the bad boy you always lusted about.

I gulped and I'm pretty sure he heard it because he raised one of his perfectly shaped eyebrows at me, a split second after the small sound left my throat. I looked back down at the ground in a rush.

"Come forward" His deep voice surrounds me. I step around Tyler and take a step closer towards him.

"Whats your name?" He asks me.
"Dani" I reply just an octal above a whisper.
"I meant your full name" He says coldly, making me flinch internally.
"Danielle Jennings" I reply speaking up louder this time.
"Oh so your Dr Martin Jennings... daughter?" He questions. When he says my fathers name, it infuriates me. It makes my emotions of anger and distraught fight together making me feel sick.
I nod, as a lone tear rolls down my cheek, betraying me.
"Look at me!" He demands in his gruff voice.
My head immediately snaps upright and i find myself staring into his ice cold eyes.
"Corey. Corey Edwards, is my name" He tells me looking me up and down, obviously noting the sheet wrapped around me.

I tightens my arms around myself as i feel goosebumps wash over my skin.
I look around me and see that the room has been cleared, only Tyler was left standing. Its like they vanished into thin air, they were that quiet when they departed.

"Why?" I say suddenly feeling brave.
"Why what?" He shoots me a sly grin as if he knew what i meant.
"Why did you kill my father!" Anger seeps into my voice making it go a fraction deeper.
"Because he had done bad things and i gave him time to return the money he stole from me but he chose to run. So we followed him, till his time was up. And unfortunately, for both me and you, is that he died to soon. For me because i didn't get my money. And for you, because he was your father of course."

"How much did he owe you?" I ask, curious.
"$200 000" He replied without hesitating.
I gasp and put a hand over my mouth, accidentally letting go of the sheet, but i quickly caught it before it slipped off of me.
He raises both eyebrows this time and nodded. He than moves from his leaning position and steps forward, closing some distance between us and he was close enough for me to smell his spicy vanilla aftershave.
I look up at him since he was around 6'3 and i was 5'4.
My throat goes dry and i was scared to move so i stayed still. He places one of his large hands on the side of my jaw and moves my head to the side gently and leans into till his lips graze my ear.
"Ill see you later" He whispers to me, than leaves.

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