Dinner with Murderers

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After my encounter with the man who planned my fathers death, i felt pure hatred towards him and i told myself that karma will catch up to him. Especially if that karma happens to be me.

I was now back in the room they stationed me in. Trying to figure out what I'm going do next.

There was a sudden knock on the door, i opened it and there stood a girl close to my 19 years of age, but I'm guessing shes a year or two older.

"I brought you some clothes", she states in her airy voice and stalks into my room.
"Um, who are you?" I ask curiously wondering why she's here.
"Im Octavia, Corey's little sister", she answers and sets the items in her hands onto the bed.
"Well I'm Da-" i go to tell her my name, but she cuts me off.
"Danielle", she says and moves closer to me. "Put these clothes on and come out when your done. Ill b waiting outside than we'll join the others for dinner" she tells me, than leaves shutting my door behind her. Im left flabbergasted at her words. No way was i going to go and have dinner with the people who murdered my father.
However i liked the idea of clothes and food, and as if my stomach can hear my thoughts, it rumbles on que, telling me its starved.

I dressed in the given underwear, the bra a cup to small making my breasts pop out a little, than the light blue denim skinny jeans and black singlet. Octavia didn't give me shoes, so I'm going to have to go bare feet, and thats fine with me. 

I open the door and head out of my room to see Octavia standing there like she said she would.
I nod at her as she pushes herself from the wall and moves down the hall to an adjacent room. I follow behind silently, wrapping and twirling my hair around my fingers nervously.

We reach the room and theres bickering, laughter all around as, men are seated around a very large rectangular dining table.
Octavia goes around to the left side where two seats are free, i follow her once again.
I feel many pairs of eyes staring at my back as i walk past them. I notice Corey seated at the far end, head of the table where Octavia takes her seat beside him, leaving a spare seat between her and Tyler.

I sit down and keep my head down as I stare at my small hands in my lap.
A plate is placed in front of me, making my head snap upwards to see a friendly looking old lady, who i presumed is their maid/cook.
I give her a small smile in thanks and look around to see some of the others already eating. So i pick up my fork and dig in to the scrumptious looking chicken pasta. I eat silently and slowly not wanting to bring anymore attention towards myself.

My mind starts dwell and dream as I sit there with a full appetite. I don't hear my name being called till Octavia was shaking my shoulder to get my attention.
"Wha? Sorry" i say and blush bowing my head down one again.
"Its alright Dani, Corey was asking you your age and schooling" Octavia told me and my head shoots up and stare blank daggers at the man wanting the information.

"I'm 19 and its none of your business what schooling I've had." I say as i glare at him and turn my attention else where.

"Oooo, feisty I like", a guy opposite me says as he holds his beer to his mouth with amused eyes.

I ignore him and start standing up.
"Is it a bit small?" Corey's voice carries over the others as he stares at me.
"Whats a bit small?" I ask back with a confused expression.
"Your bra", He says and everyone goes quiet.
I look down at my chest and realise half my breasts are showing. I blush deeply and fix my top.
"Yeah, this is a C cup not a DD cup" I look at him as i say it. "So of course its too small for my boobs" I continue as I push my chair in, still looking at him. Then i walk around the table to the doorway and look back throwing the men who are still looking at me a small seductive smile than I leave the room and go back to mine.

Once I'm in the room i remove my bra and sigh in relief. I flop back onto the double bed and stare at the ceiling letting my mind go blank once again.

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