Chapter One

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Paris Smith- I do not own any of the pictures.


Paris Smith Point of View

"Nice place we got here."

I stopped to admire the view of the living room while Marcus put his hands behind his head in order to breath better. His shirt long gone due to our smelly body orders leaving his six pack full on display and to my dismay his armpit hair. Note to self, later tell him to shave that wild jungle off before he gives my kids and I nightmares or heaven forbid one of his one night stands. Poor man or woman would be put off from having any "fun" for a while.

"Yup, I couldn't agree more."

I gave him a smile letting a small chuckle out from my talks in my head, wow that didn't sound at all creepy, and pulled off my shirt careful not to leave it on the floor and place it inside one of the  more empty boxes.

"Daddy! Daddy! Daddy!"

I twirled around to hear the joy laughter of my little Jake. His bright blonde hair cut in a dweeb hair cut and blue eyes stood out out against his unblemished skin on his chubby arms and cheeks.

"Hello Pumpkin."

I tenderly kissed him on the cheek as Marcus disappeared to put away the small boxes that we had just recently brought in and was thankfully the last things we needed to unpack.

"Are you ready for school tomorrow?"

I nuzzled his cheek against mine and heard his giggling that sounded so much like his mother. Jake was literally a splitting image of her while his baby brother Adam had both of our features mixed in.

Adam had my dark hair and his mothers and older brothers blue eyes in a lighter shade making them less eye popping more warm on his little face.

"Daddy I don't wanna go."

Jake whined to me.

"What if the other kids are mean to me?"

He gave me that cute little pout that had always got him an extra toy or candy at the store and that same cute little pout that always had me getting up in the middle of the night to buy my sweet Sarah Oreo ice cream despite the weather at the time be it cold and rainy or humid and windy. Those where the times that I treasure the most ever since the accident that took her away from me. Hurriedly I caught the small frown and turned it into a small smile for my son afraid that he would worry for me.

"Sorry baby boy but you gotta go to school."

He pouted and I heard gurgling sound coming down the stairs and saw Marcus carrying my other precious son Adam.

"Out to eat?"

He asked. I couldn't help but let out a chuckle at what I was seeing right now. My baby Adam looked so small compared to him. It was like a giant holding a little bunny. This time I didn't cover up the small chuckle that escaped my lips making me earn the stink eye from my old best friend Adam.

"Yeah let me just take a quick shower and change Jake since he has-"I looked down at my smiling chubby checkers and finished off my statement ,"Yogurt all over his hands."

"All right I'll change Adam."

30 minutes later we were all freshen up and clean. Locking the door I turned to Marcus buckling up the kids in my Ford Expedition.

"Where do we go?"

"I saw a McDonald's about 15 minutes back we can go there and get a kiddie meal for the kids and share the 20 piece meal."

I nodded at Marcus and was amazed at his smartness again. 15 minutes later I pulled up into the parking lot.

"Alright boys dinner time."

Marcus grabbed Adam while I got Jake and slugged their diaper bag on one shoulder. With two extra beeps to make sure that our car was carefully locked we entered the fast food joint. Waiting in line for a couple of minutes a teenager not that much younger than me stood behind the cash register. She flashed us a bright pink and blue smile because of her braces. Her brunette hair was in a fish tail off to the side under the black hat. Her black glasses were flushed against her high cheeks and rounded eyes.

"What would you like to order?"

She asked politely.

"I'll have one kids meal and a 20 piece meal and..."

I trailed off when my eyes caught sight of the delicious chocolate fresh baked chocolate chip cookies on display.

"I'll have 4 chocolate chip cookies."

I finished flashing her a bright smile.

"That'll be $18.00 Sir."

I swiped my my credit card that was connected to my Uncles account to pay for the food.

"Your order is number 10 and here are your cups."

I gave her a brief nod and found a booth for my family and I. Marcus went to fill up our cups as I sat there watching Jake doodle on a scratch paper and Adam nibbling on his wolf plushy.

"Number 10!"

"Wait here baby boy and watch your brother I'll be back in less than a minute."

I passed Marcus on my way to get our food and came back to enjoy our family meal.

"It's a nice quite little town, something that we really need since High School."

I commented after stuffing my face with some delicious fries and taking a sip of the coke that was filled to the brim with ice cubes.

"Yup, I found a job as a coach at a local high school so we will be able to share the car while I drop you off at your part time job at the library."

I nodded after about an hour we were already heading home to get some much need sleep. Making sure the house and car was secure I climbed into bed next to Marcus gave him a light fatherly kiss like I gave my children and use to give my wife and fell asleep thanking whoever made sure Marcus and I were best friends because without him I have no idea how I would've survived in this world.

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