Story 2: Voices

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Abigail woke up. But, it wasn't like she just woke up from a bad dream; it was as if someone woke her up. She didn't bother to look around the room; she only thought she woke up for no reason an tried to get back to sleep.

Every toss, every turn that she made, made her feel reckless an hot under her covers. Everyone has that thought if they took off their covers completely, there would be a monster under their bed ready to leap out from under an drag you under the bed; to never see a ray of sunlight ever again. Well, some people have that thought; others have ten times scarier.

Abigail turned onto her back, with her eyes closed. She took in a deep breath, and then exhaled.

"Help me." Abigail heard a whisper right beside her ear. Her eyes flung open, her head snapped to her left side; seeing nothing but pitch black. Abigail's heart started to pump hard against her chest like jungle drums. Her eyes scanned her room; seeing nothing but the objects in her room. Abigail gulped, her throat feeling dry. She felt the urge to get out of her bed; but her head was giving her situations that frightened Abigail an made her freeze.

"Help me." Abigail heard the voice whisper from beside her again. She looked right this time she saw a shadowy figure before it vanished.

"W-what?" Abigail whispered under her breath. Abigail's eyes grew, as she scanned her room from floor to roof; nothing. There was no shadowy figure to be seen. Abigail felt her heart beginning to quicken. She felt herself rising from her bed an sitting up. Abigail didn't understand what was happening to her.

"W-why d-d-o you" Abigail whispered, her voice trembling. There was a cool breeze on her arm, as if someone was rubbing it.

"Help me." Abigail felt as if she was getting tugged. Abigail shook her head rapidly. "I-I- you're scaring m-me!" She cried softly. There were whispers an murmurs as Abigail shook madly; she thought her mind was playing tricks on her.

"Y-You're j-jus-t an imagin-ation, imagination. I-I'm just dream-dreaming." Abigail went to go lie down but she felt someone underneath her. She turned her head slowly to see a little shadow. Abigail choked for words. The shadow stayed there then it shot upright; it's face in Abigail's as it screamed, showing razor sharp teeth with nothing but void in the sockets of the now girls eyes.

Abigail shrieked, falling off her bed onto the cool carpet under her. She stumbled to her feet an saw the shadow launch at her. Abigail fell to the ground as she put her arms up to block, up somehow her arms were pinned down to the ground; as if there were ropes tied to them. Abigail screamed as the shadow screamed a high pitch tone as if it were a demon. Abigail had tears running down her cheeks, staining them instantly.

"GO AWAY!" She pleaded. The shadow faded but the demonic screams lingered in the air. Abigail tried with all her might to get off the floor but she could not; it was as if someone paralysed her. "HELP ME! SOMETHING IS HERE! HELP ME!" Abigail was helpless; she couldn't move anything but her mouth an blink. She kept screaming for help; hoping that the neighbours would hear an come running into her house an rescue her from whatever is haunting her.


Abigail finally stopped begging an screaming for help. She finally realised that no one would save her.

"Help me." The voice whispered, but this time angrier. Abigail's breathing was rapid an uneven as her eyes went around the room a million times to see nothing; just the objects in her room. She started hearing murmurs an hisses now as her body shook violently. "S-stop I-I....Please....I don't kn-know what t-to do." She sobbed with fear. The hisses an murmurs grew quiet as Abigail heard a new sound; footsteps. Heavy footsteps.

A spark of hope rushed through Abigail. Her heart skipped a beat an started beating faster than before; not with fear but joy. She went to get up, but something was sitting on top of her; it wasn't visible to Abigail's naked eyes.

"Heeelllllpppp mmmmmeeeee." Abigail could imagine whoever was saying this grit through their teeth as drool dripped from the corner of their mouth.

Abigail's hopes went down the drain as she saw a huge shadow appearing as it neared her bedroom, as the door opened by itself.

"S-STAY AWAY FROM M-ME!" She screamed, somehow being able to move she scattered to the corner of the room. The footsteps went from walking to sprinting in seconds an she saw the most horrifying human alive as it charged at her with his razor sharp nails in front of him, his eyes a black abyss, a scream escaped his huge mouth that sung death rushed to Abigail...

Abigail is nowhere to be seen...
The only thing they found was her phone, still on call to an unknown number...

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 19, 2015 ⏰

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