I'll Lift You Up- A Harry Styles sad Imagine

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Hey everbody! This is from my Co-Owner's Quotev... you should totally check out her stories at Just Call Me Mrs.Bieber! Well, my beautiful Lovelies, Hopefully you likee!

"I'm going to miss you, Boo." He said. I cried into his chest. We were in the middle of my kitchen hugging. "I'm ganna miss you too." I said looking up at him. He looked me in the eyes. "I will call or text you every night." He said. "Promise?" I asked
pulling out of the hug to look at him. He stuck out his pinkey. I chuckled, we always pinkey swore when we were little.

I took his pinkey and locked it with mine. "Now, I have to go, its getting pretty late, you should go to bed." He said
looking at me. I nodded. He left me in the kitchen, I watched him go. "Bye Harry." I said. He turned around and smiled at me, then left. Yup, Harry Styles is my best friend.

I walked up to my room and grabbed my journal from under my matress. I kept the journal, and havent wrote in it sience i was 7.
Why? Because, my parents died when i was 6 and I came to live with my foster parents, Jake and Emma shortly after. When I came to live with them everyone in my school bullied me, so i got a journal and wrote down all my thoughts in there.

Finally one day, I was getting bullied, I was 7, and thats when this kid, who was 9, stood up for me. We instantly became best friends, and I decided I didnt need to write in it anymore, but now that Harry was leaving I didnt have any other friends. I only talked to Harry and some teachers and i barely talked to Emma and Jake.

I was basically an only child since my 20 years old and already moved out. My room was very big, my whole house was big, I also lived in the country. Emma and Jake were practically never home. Emma was in the fashion business and Jake was a photoagrapher, so I was usually home alone.


It's been a week since Harry left. School was almost over. I sat in the back of the room, looking at the clock. I was deep into thinking."Arabella?" Someone called my name. I quickly looked at the front of the room, at my teacher. He was looking at me, so was the rest of the class. "Yes?" I asked gulping. "Are you paying attention?" Mr.Reff asked lifting an eyebrow. I quickly nodded. "Yes, Yes I am." I said kind of nevously. He nodded and went back to teaching.

I ran out ofthe school. Trying to get out of school befor Addison and her group got outside. They were always mean to me, espesially now that Harry was gone. I made it outside without them seeing me. When I was halfway home I heard something behind me.

"Where are you going, Nerd?!" I didnt even have to look behind me, I knew it was Addison with her group. They all laughed. I quickly started to speed walk. I heard them behind me still. I started to jog. I finally made it home. Harry was calling me.



"Hey, Bella" Harry said.

"What's up?"

"Oh umm nothing really, how was school?" He had some concern in his voice.

"It could have been better."

"Why, What happend?" Harry asked worried.

"Just Addison and he group."

"I'm really sorry Boo."

"It's okay."

"Okay, I have to go, Text you later, yeah?"

"Okay bye" I said and hung up.


I ran upstairs to my room and got out my journal. I wrote down lots of stuff, that I would normally tell Harry. Soon It was getting late so I put my journal away and went to bed.


The next morning I didnt want to get up. I looked at my phone.


I opend the message.

Good Morning Beautful :)

I laughed and started getting ready for school. It was Tuesday. I started walking to school, I pulled out my phone.

Hey, What's up?

Nothing really, At bootcamp, You?

Walking to school :p

I'm sorry Boo. I hope you'r day will be okay. :)

Thanks, I gtg I'm at school, Text you later yeah?

Yeah, Bye Boo.
I was sitting in class, Addison sat right behind me. She kicked me chair the whole class. After class I went to my locker, I put my books in there and as I was pulling my hand out my loker shut on my hand. I yelped in pain. "Woops, sorry my bad." Addison said in a sweet voice. Tears were streaming down my face. I ran to the bathroom, my hand was already turning purple and swelling up. I sat in the corner of the bathroom and just cried.
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"Arabella, why are you late?" Mrs.Nell asked me as I walked into my homeroom. I saw Addison smirking out of the corner of my eye. "I, umm..I was...my hand.." I sighed and held up my hand, it was all bruised. Mrs.Nells gasped. "What happend?" She asked still shocked. "I slammed it in my locker." I wispered. Mrs.Nells called the nurse and sent me down to her.
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That night I sat in my room and called Harry.
"Hey Boo!" Harry said.
"Hey, what's up?" I asked.
"Had a long day at bootcamp,You?"
"I could have had a better day" I sighed.
"What happend?" He asked concerned.
"Addison.." I started to cry.
"What did she do?" He asked softly.
"I...my hand...in the...locker.." I said in between sobs.
"Boo, I cant understand you" Harry said softly, almost a wisper.
"She slammed my hand in my locker, Harry" I sobbed.
"I'm so sorry, she shouldnt do that, did you tell somebody?" Harry demanded.
"No, I cant." I said.
He sighed. "You have to do something about this Hun."
"I will....someday." I said.
He sighed. "Alright Boo, I dont want you to get hurt anymore. I have to got on stage soon. Talk to you later, yeah?"
I smiled. "Yeah."
Then we hung up.


The next day I stayed as far away as I could get from Addison. "Alright class, pull out your homework from last night, please." My teacher, Mr.Drew said. 'Ugg, Its in my locker.' I thought in my head. I walked up to Mr.Drew's desk. "Umm Mr.Drew, I left my paper in my locker, may I go get it?" I asked. Mr.Drew was my favorit techer, I was also one of his favorite students. He smiled at me. "Sure thing, Arabella, But hurry please." I smiled and nodded.

I quickly ran out to the halls to my locker. Once i got my paper I shut my locker and turned around, I gasped because someone scared me. It was Addison. "Hey, Bella." She said. I tried getting around her but she blocked my path. "Come on Addison, I need to get back to class." I said in a wisper. She made a sad face. "But Arabella, I want to talk to you." She said in a sweet voice.
"Addison.." I pleaded. "Please, not today." I said. I tried to run but she tripped me. I fel on my face and heard a snap! "Oww" I yelped in pain. I tried to get up, but my left leg wouldnt let me.

"Addison please, I think I broke a leg." I said stting up. She rolled her eyes. I finally managed to get up, I used my locker for support. The bell finally rang and Addiosn ran off.
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I went to the nurses. Turns out, I did break my left leg, I got a cast on it. I got to stay home for two days. The first day I sat up in my room resting my leg. It was 10:00 a.m, I decidded to text Harry.

Hey, Harry.
Hey Boo what's up, shouldnt you be in school?
Nothing much and I'm at home because I broke my leg..
OMG what happend!?!?
Addison had nothing to do with it..riiightt?
I'm sorry Harry :(
What did she do this time?
Triped me in the hall
and nobody saw her?!?!
It was during class
Grrr... Arabella,you need to do something.
I know Harry, Just, not right now.. :/
How's bootcamp?
Hard work..I'm on my last week :)
That's good haha
Yeah it is, well I have to go, text me later, yeah?
Okay, Byee
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The next day Emma called me.
"I just wanted to call you and tell you I have a fashion job in Iowa and wont be home for 3 months, is that okay?"
"Okay, bye."
I just hung up.

I'll Lift You Up- A Harry Styles sad ImagineWhere stories live. Discover now