Chapter 4- Valencia Spain

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"Ok, that one is so cute" Harry whispered
"Nah Nah Nah. That one is way cuter."  Zyan argued back.

Pria shifted in her seat and mumbled some sleep talk  gibberish.
" CRAP. That one is waking up!" Louis Whispered really loudly, the five of them scrambled out of the jet then ran to the limo, Zyan didn't bother to use the door and just dived though the open window on the limo. " LIAM MOVE YOUR ASS, THE GIRL NEXT TO THE WINDOW IS GONNA SEE ME" Nail Yelled as he pushed Liam's ass out of the way so he could get in.

Eventually the four of them woke up and realized they had already landed, "God dammit, the limo is already here!" Angelina screamed while having a mild spaz attack of excitement. " O My GOD! is my hair fine?" Angel screamed , "why don't we just get out and meet them." Crystal said as she opened her seat belt. The four of them cleaned themselves up then Crystal made sure Phenomina and Faunah Were both transported to an air conditioned room  for the vets at custom security to check them.
" I hope Faunah doesn't attack one of the vets, she doesn't like strangers."
"Forget about the vets! What about the boys?!" Angel said back
"I have this plan, remember when i brought home Faunah when she was a cub and you each fed her bacon, yeah they are gong to do that."
"O yeah..."
Pria was the first one to step out the Jet, then Angel Then Crystal who was constantly spraying the 'magicool down' spay to cool her down "jesus it is so hot out here.." she mumbled to herself; then came Angelina who stopped at the door, looked around then suddenly got really excited since the injections had already worn off...

"So you have pets?"Louis asked
"Yup, Pria has a puppy called Phenomina and i have a tiger, called Faunah." Crystal replied
"Wait a TIGER as in the ..." Louis got on all fours then started a tiger impression on the limo floor, everyone started laughing and Zyan pulled out his phone and filmed it all.
"Angel, Angelina? don't  you have any pets?"
"Nope"they both said at the same time
"Well i had a hamste-"
The limo stopped and the door opened, everyone swerved around to see custom security with the animals, Crystal instantly got up followed by Pria who signed to ownership papers of the animals then security handed them over. 

On the way to the mansion...

"I'm surprised Faunah hasn't shown any signs of aggression to any of you.. yet, she used to hate anyone who came near you house back in LA" Pria said as Faunah put she giant paw on Harry's leg so she could sniff his face, "Uhhh do I stroke her or.. AH! IT'S LICKING ME" Harry yelped
" Just stay calm, she likes you, she wont kill you"Crystal replied
"Wait does that mean she will kill the rest of us?!" Louis asked worriedly 
Angel stood up and continued " WELL, I think that Faunah likes all of you... obviously and, yeah that is all i needed to say.

After a while there was nothing else to talk about and it was just  a waiting game until they got to Castelln Angel and Harry kept having staring contests and so did Angelina and Nial, Pria had fallen asleep and Zyan occasionally glanced at her, Crystal caught Louis looking at her but returned with a mix between blank confused face... 
They would reach Castell

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