chapter 2

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i'm walking throught the hallway with my books pressed against my chest when I see chan and his friends come my way, I quickly turn around. I hear their footsteps come closer. Suddenly i feel two shoulders agains mine. They press them together untill I drop my books. My glasses are sliding down my face.

that's when I feel two fingers making sure my glasses are before my eyes instead of my nose. I can finally see clear. I see jungkook standing in front of me.
"I guess you need some help."
"no it's okay, thanks." I say.
"u-uh, now it's my turn to help you out." the takes my books from the ground, and gives them back to me. he gives me a small smile and waves me goodbye.
i never expected him to be so kind, and I don't want him to ruin his high school already, just to help me out. I learned to live with this for 2 years, even thought I'll never get used to it. how can you get used to this right?
I already passed 2 lessons today so I'm walking towards my 3th lesson, even thought I really wanna skip this class only because I have to share a table with chan, I just can't, I never skipped a class in my entire life. My parents told me sickness isn't a good excuse to miss an important lesson. So whenever I was sick, they made sure I got well very soon. they made me take my mecidins at school.

if I enter the chemical class I see all students at their chairs, waiting for the teacher. Of course not in silance, they're throwing things,  but I just rather ignore such attitiude. the only one who's actually doing something normal is jungkook.
he's just chatting with the person next to him. I really appreciate him as a person. I take my seat at the back and open my books. When chan enters the class and gives me a way too hard push on my shoulder, I fall off my chair, it wasn't that hard, and I still stood on my feet, but just not as stable. Everyone in class turns around and starts laughing.
some pair of arms with huge muscles are helping me stand up again. I look up and see jungkook standing in front of me.
"that's not really friendly of you, you better say you're sorry." jungkook says towards chan.
"sorry?" he says while laughing his ass off.
"jungkook it's okay, really." I whisper
"no it's not, he can't do this to a girl." he whispers back
chan keeps laughing. jungkook takes a step forward, their noses almost make contact.
"say you're sorry." jungkook says very slow.
"dude, I didn't ment it like that." he says. "uh, dayum, sorry nerd." chan says with a sarcastic under-tune. At least that was something.
jungkook turns back to me. he gives me a small smile.
the bell rings wich means it's noon, everyone leaves class to go to the dining room while I make my way to my dorm.
I'm eating pasta today, I bought it this morning at a shop at the end of the street. "can I join you." I hear a fimilar voice asking.
jungkook is standing  in front of me.
"yeah of course." he joins me on the other chair at the balcony.
"why are they doing such things to you."
"oh, that. They did it from the second I came here, I'm used to it, but that doesn't mean I like it." I say while looking down. I'm already too afraid to look him in the eye while saying that. he makes me look at him by turning my head with the tops of his fingers.
"I think you're one of the most beautiful souls on this school." he says.  "do you know why they are doing it or ?" he asks again.
"well normally they laugh with my oversized pants, but my parents don't allow me to wear skinny jeans. Then I can't wear skirt above my knee because my parents think it's unacceptable. and the glasses, yeah that wasn't my choice either." I say.

I can see at his face that he's truly  listening to what i'm saying, and I really appreciate that.
"I'm glad you're this kind to me, but you don't have to eat with me if you don't want to, I understand if you only wanna eat with your friends."
"you're my friend." he says.

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