Lucky Item

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"What I am doing here, you say?" narrowed his eye and look at the teen.

"Yeah, answer me!" glared Kagami, enough to kill someone in his place

"I'm here for breakfast"



"I don't like to repeat my words, so this is the last time. I'm here for breakfast."

"You must me freaking kidding me, go have your own breakfast in your damn mansion!" I glared daggers at the guy who was making himself comfortable as if it's his own home.

"I have something to say to you, that's why I came"

"And what is it, spit it out then get out!"

"First, serve me food. Then I'll talk"

'This guy just came here to eat' the others looked at the intruder. Kasamatsu-sempai sighed, and started rubbing his temple.

"Kagami, serve him breakfast."

I looked at the respected brother, then he nodded to me. I couldn't resist his order that was directed to me. I am a furious, I can't believe that I'm cooking something delicious for my kidnapper. Hope he gets poisoned after eating it. When I finished cooking for all of them, the intruder looked at his dish astonished. Then he stared at me.

"What?!" I glared

"You cooked this" pointing at his plate.

"Hah?! You just saw me prepare all this, anyway.... State your business"

"After the meal" he looked at his meal with a smile on his face

I 'grrr-ed'at him, wishing that he will fall dead after his meal

After we finished our meals, I collected the dishes and put them in the sinker stating that later I'll be cleaning it. I sat back in my place.

"So,intruder-san, what brought you here?" for my surprise, it was Takao who stated the question with a poker face.

"Hmm... I came to talk about the kids, Kagami, what do you think about the GoM?"

"They're freaking weird!" Takao snickered at my response.

"Wow, you're harsh!"

"And the scariest one is your son! He nearly killed me there"

He stared at me for a moment, after that he hummed, then looked at me again with a confusing look. Then he said

"Son? I don't have a son..."

"...HAAAH? You don't have a son? What kind of shit are you spouting now?! Then Seijuro is whose son?" I screamed out my lungs, he looked at me with an 'oh' murmured out of his mouth.

"Oh about that, he's not really my son, but my nephew"

"The hell? But you told me to take care of your son when you first assigned me as their babysitter!?"

"That slipped my mouth by accident, sorry"

"But the kid also said 'You know my father Akashi Keijuro?'"

"Really? He said that! So Sei-chan thinks I'm his father, but he's really my nephew."

"Then where is his father?!"

"He...disappeared...when his wife...Sei-chan's mother died"

I gasped when I heard this new information, I think I know why the kid acts like this now. He doesn't have proper parents that can support him. It seems that his mother was his mental support, while his father was teaching him to be a perfectionist and that was totally wrong, for goodness sake Seijuro was only two years old, no wonder he's like this. His mother died at the age of four, what the hell should I do now? I feel sorry for the kid, I want to help him somehow, because he doesn't deserve all of this, even if he tried to stab me.

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