My suspension starts today. My mom hast to leave for work. She'll be home from four to five to make dinner. Than she leaves for her night job. She won't come back till eleven. She tells me you need to be asleep when I come home--I pretend to be I wait till I hear her footsteps then I close my eyes. She kisses my forehead and goes to sleep in her room.
My school alarm is still set so I get up when it goes off.
I hug my mom as she rushes out the door. She's running late. I watch her back out. I freeze, tears start pouring from my face. Her car spins across the highway. The minivan springs back. I fly out my front door to my mom's car. She's bent leaning into the passenger seat. I reach for her phone in her back pocket. I scream our house address at 911. They're there in 5 minutes.
They tell me to move but I hang on to the door. The pry me away screaming.
She's pulled out and placed on the stretcher, hooked up to oxygen, and wiscked into the ambulance. I'm aloud to rude with her to the hospital. Her knuckles are bleeding--like she punched death in the nose.
When we get to the hospital they ask me where I go to school. They call them. I assume Mrs. Wilan tells them about my suspension because they tell me I can stay. My aunt comes in with a huge suitcase full of my clothes. I'm not leaving my mother. Ever.
The looming figure of the doctor comes in. "She's got three broken ribs, her foot is shattered, her shoulder is dislocated, and she needs a kidney."
My hand shoots into the air, "I'll do it."
"Come with me." He directs me into the hallway and to the left and into room C345. An MRI scanner is in the room. He tells me to take off my jewelry. I'm not wearing any. So I lay down on the MRI scanner bed. I'm under there for about ten minutes.
He talks into a walkie talkie. "Kidney transplant Darcy Jones to Mary Jones." A static bathed voice comes through. " You got it."
I'm taken into a surgery room, given some liqued, them next thing I know I'm in a hospital bed next to my mom. A bandage is around my waist. My mom is surrounded by doctors. My aunts, cousins, and uncles, are around her. I sit quietly.
The door creaks open. My principal walks through holding a bag. " For you." She says" I knod. She places the bag next to my hand. I reach for it and go to sit up.
"No" one of the doctors scream at me.
I just slide back down and open the bag from there. I start crying.